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Molluscan Research Molluscan Research Society
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Radula tooth turnover in the chiton, Acanthopleura hirtosa (Blainville, 1825) (Mollusca : Polyplacophora)

J. A. Shaw, L. R. Brooker and D. J. Macey

Molluscan Research 22(2) 93 - 99
Published: 03 September 2002


The rate of radula production in the chiton Acanthopleura hirtosa (Blainville, 1825) was determined by following structural irregularities induced in the radula using a cold-shock treatment of 4°C for 48 h. In animals treated in this manner and subsequently maintained in an artificial intertidal habitat to ensure, as far as possible, a natural feeding regimen, the rate of radular production was calculated as 0.36 rows per day. This indicates that A. hirtosa renews its total radular length (mean 78 rows, SD = 6.5, n = 23) approximately once every 6.5 months, a relatively slow rate when compared with that of other molluscs.

Keywords: biomineralisation, cold-shocking, mollusc.

© CSIRO 2002

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