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Embryonic and larval development of Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758)

Mehdi S. Doroudi and Paul C. Southgate
23(2) pp.101 - 107

32 articles found in Crossref database.

Understanding marine larval dispersal in a broadcast-spawning invertebrate: A dispersal modelling approach for optimising spat collection of the Fijian black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera
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Embryonic and larval development of Pteria penguin (Roding, 1798) (Bivalvia: Pteriidae)
Wassnig M., Southgate P. C.
Journal of Molluscan Studies. 2012 78(1). p.134
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Southgate Paul C.
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Sankar Kristina S., Rico Ciro, Militz Thane A., Southgate Paul C., Kishore Pranesh
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The Pearl Oyster (2008)
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Development of in situ hybridisation using 16S rRNA gene to monitor black-lip pearl oyster,Pinctada margaritifera, larvae in plankton samples
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A Parallel Population Genomic and Hydrodynamic Approach to Fishery Management of Highly-Dispersive Marine Invertebrates: The Case of the Fijian Black-Lip Pearl Oyster Pinctada margaritifera
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Ehteshami Fariborz, Christianus Annie, Rameshi Hossein
Aquaculture. 2010 306(1-4). p.85
Bivalve larvae transport and connectivity within the Ahe atoll lagoon (Tuamotu Archipelago), with application to pearl oyster aquaculture management
Thomas Y., Le Gendre R., Garen P., Dumas F., Andréfouët S.
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Mismatch between the ecological processes driving early life-stage dynamics of bivalves at two contrasting French Polynesian lagoons
Lo-Yat Alain, Monaco Cristián J., Thomas Yoann, Czorlich Yann, Le Borgne Florian, Muylaert Morgan, Le Moullac Gilles, Vanaa Vincent, Beliaeff Benoît, Garen Pierre
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Integrated management of pearl culture in French Polynesia in the context of global change: Synopsis of existing results
Gueguen Yannick, Gaertner-Mazouni Nabila, Lo Cedrik, Le Moullac Gilles
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Swept away: ocean currents and seascape features influence genetic structure across the 18,000 Km Indo-Pacific distribution of a marine invertebrate, the black-lip pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera
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The Biological Bulletin. 2023 245(2). p.57
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