Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 58 Number 10 2007
MF07065Mapping the distribution, biomass and tissue nutrient levels of a marine benthic cyanobacteria bloom (Lyngbya majuscula)
Kathleen S. Ahern, Colin R. Ahern, Greg M. Savige and James W. Udy
pp. 883-904
MF07065 Abstract | MF07065 Full Text | MF07065PDF (1.6 MB) Open Access Article
MF07010Simulation of the estimation of ageing bias inside an integrated assessment of canary rockfish using age estimates from a bomb radiocarbon study
Ian J. Stewart and Kevin R. Piner
pp. 905-913
MF07082Observations of warming on the Western Australian continental shelf
Alan Pearce and Ming Feng
pp. 914-920
MF06246Fish fauna of dry tropical and subtropical estuarine floodplain wetlands
Marcus Sheaves, Ross Johnston and Kátya Abrantes
pp. 931-943
MF07032Validation of age and growth in a long-lived temperate reef fish using otolith structure, oxytetracycline and bomb radiocarbon methods
Graeme P. Ewing, Jeremy M. Lyle, Raymond J. Murphy, John M. Kalish and Philippe E. Ziegler
pp. 944-955
MF06230Reproduction of Heterodontus portusjacksoni in Victoria, Australia: evidence of two populations and reproductive parameters for the eastern population
Javier Tovar-Ávila, Terence I. Walker and Robert W. Day
pp. 956-965
MF07055The effect of packaging of chlorophyll within phytoplankton and light scattering in a coupled physical–biological ocean model
Mark E. Baird, Patrick G. Timko and Lujia Wu
pp. 966-981