Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 58 Number 4 2007
MF06202Patch history, invertebrate patch dynamics and heterogeneous community composition: perspectives from a manipulative stream experiment
D. A. Olsen, C. D. Matthaei and C. R. Townsend
pp. 307-314
MF06161Potential for algal blooms in tropical rivers of the Northern Territory, Australia
George G. Ganf and Naomi Rea
pp. 315-326
MF05258A rethink on Retropinna: conservation implications of new taxa and significant genetic sub-structure in Australian smelts (Pisces : Retropinnidae)
Michael P. Hammer, Mark Adams, Peter J. Unmack and Keith F. Walker
pp. 327-341
MF06236Spatial and temporal patterns of near-surface chlorophyll a in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon
J. Brodie, G. De'ath, M. Devlin, M. Furnas and M. Wright
pp. 342-353
MF06088Validated estimation of growth and age in the New Zealand abalone Haliotis iris using stable oxygen isotopes
J. R. Naylor, B. M. Manighetti, H. L. Neil and S. W. Kim
pp. 354-362
MF06157Gut content- and stable isotope-derived diets of four commercially and recreationally important fish species in two intermittently open estuaries
Wade L. Hadwen, Grant L. Russell and Angela H. Arthington
pp. 363-375
MF06197Feeding dynamics, consumption rates and daily ration of longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) in Australian waters, with emphasis on the consumption of commercially important prawns
Shane P. Griffiths, Gary C. Fry, Fiona J. Manson and Richard D. Pillans
pp. 376-397
MF06052Dynamics of gametogenesis, embryogenesis, and larval release in a Mediterranean homosclerophorid demosponge
A. Riesgo, M. Maldonado and M. Durfort
pp. 398-417