Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 46 Number 2 1995
MF9950435 Effect of experimental conditions on phosphorus extracted from estuarine and marine sediments
C Pailles and PW Moody
pp. 435-440
MF9950441Absence of regulated blood-oxygen transport in response to strenuous exercise by the shovelnosed ray, Rhinobatos typus
TE Lowe, RMG Wells and J Baldwin
pp. 441-446
MF9950447Distribution patterns and selective feeding in two Astropecten species (Asteroidea:Echinodermata) from Cleveland Bay, northern Queensland
s Lemmen, PW Arnold and RA Birtles
pp. 447-455
MF9950457 The coral communities of Lord Howe Island
VJ Harriott, PL Harrison and SA Banks
pp. 457-465
MF9950467Effects of gonadal steroids and human chorionic gonadotrophin on final oocyte maturation in vitro in the New Zealand snapper Pagrus auratus (Sparidae)
AR Ventling and NW Pankhurst
pp. 467-473
MF9950475Early development of the Australian crimson-spotted rainbowfish, Melanotaenia fluviatilis (Pisces: Melanotaeniidae)
HP Reid and DA Holdway
pp. 475-480
MF9950481Different patterns of resource use between two coexisting freshwater calanoid species
T Kobayashi
pp. 481-484
MF9950485 Reproduction of Euastacus bispinosus Clark (Decapoda:Parastacidae), and trends in the reproductive characteristics of freshwater crayfish
JA Honan and BD Mitchell
pp. 485-499
MF9950501Influence of sample quantification and taxonomic resolution on the ordination of macroinvertebrate communities from running waters in Victoria, Australia
R Marchant, LA Barmuta and BC Chessman
pp. 501-506