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Structure of coastal upwelling events observed off the south-east coast of South Australia during February 1983–April 1984

RB Schahinger
38(4) pp.439 - 459

70 articles found in Crossref database.

Bryozoans as carbonate sediment producers on the cool-water Lacepede Shelf, southern Australia
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The Bonney Coast upwelling: How physical processes shape the feeding behaviour of blue whales
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Seasonal and intraseasonal variability of active and quiescent upwelling events in the Guajira system, southern Caribbean Sea
Montoya-Sánchez R.A., Devis-Morales A., Bernal G., Poveda G.
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Influence of upwelling on movement of southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) in the Great Australian Bight
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Stable isotope aspects of modern molluscs, brachiopods, and marine cements from cool-water carbonates, Lacepede Shelf, South Australia
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On the “hidden” phytoplankton blooms on Australia's southern shelves
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A local upwelling controls viral and microbial community structure in South Australian continental shelf waters
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Age-related otolith chemistry profiles help resolve demographics and meta-population structure of a widely-dispersed, coastal fishery species
Fowler Anthony John, Hamer Paul Andrew, Kemp Jodie
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The macroalgal carbonate factory at a cool-to-warm temperate marine transition, Southern Australia
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Blue whale habitat selection and within-season distribution in a regional upwelling system off southern Australia
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El Niño Effects and Upwelling off South Australia
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Distribution, abundance and breeding cycle of the Australian sea lion Neophoca cinerea (Mammalia: Pinnipedia)
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Contrasting fecundity, size at maturity and reproductive potential of southern rock lobster Jasus edwardsii in two South Australian fishing regions
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Submarine canyons and slides in the central-west Otway Basin: their morphology, genesis, links to groundwater discharge and tsunamigenic potential
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Spatial dynamics of the South Australian rock lobster(Jasus edwardsii)fishery under a quota‐based system
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Foraging trip strategies and habitat use during late pup rearing by lactating Australian fur seals
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Environmental influences on daily commercial catch rates of South Australia's southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii)
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Aspects of the Mean Wintertime Circulation along Australia's Southern Shelves: Numerical Studies
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Response of nannoplankton to major changes in sea-surface temperature and movements of hydrological fronts over Site DSDP 594 (south Chatham Rise, southeastern New Zealand), during the last 130 kyr
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A review of the shelf-slope circulation along Australia’s southern shelves: Cape Leeuwin to Portland
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Assessing the effectiveness of size limits and escape gaps as management tools in a commercial rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) fishery
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Population-specific shifts in viral and microbial abundance within a cryptic upwelling
Paterson James S., Nayar Sasi, Mitchell James G., Seuront Laurent
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Southern bluefin tuna habitat use and residence patterns in the Great Australia Bight
Patterson Toby A., Hobday Alistair J., Evans Karen, Eveson J. Paige, Davies Campbell R.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 2018 157-158 p.169
Upwelling characteristics and nutrient enrichment of the Kangaroo Island upwelling region, South Australia
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The Mean Summertime Circulation along Australia's Southern Shelves: A Numerical Study
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Contrasting local retention and cross-shore transports of the East Australian Current and the Leeuwin Current and their relative influences on the life histories of small pelagic fishes
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Stable isotopes infer the diet and habitat of the enigmatic pygmy right whale (Caperea marginata) off southern Australia
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Pelagic ecology of a northern boundary current system: effects of upwelling on the production and distribution of sardine (Sardinops sagax), anchovy (Engraulis australis) and southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) in the Great Australian Bight
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Migration dynamics of juvenile southern bluefin tuna
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Influence of local physical events on picophytoplankton spatial and temporal dynamics in South Australian continental shelf waters
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Pygmy blue and Antarctic blue whale presence, distribution and population parameters in southern Australia based on passive acoustics
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Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 2018 157-158 p.154

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