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Invertebrate Systematics Invertebrate Systematics Society
Systematics, phylogeny and biogeography

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An inordinate fondness for beetles

Simon J. Grove and Nigel E. Stork
14(6) pp.733 - 739

48 articles found in Crossref database.

Estimating and conserving patterns of invertebrate diversity: a test case of New Zealand land snails
Overton Jacob McC., Barker Gary M., Price Robbie
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The spatial and temporal distributions of arthropods in forest canopies: uniting disparate patterns with hypotheses for specialisation
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Investigation of Fungal Community Structure in the Gut of the Stag Beetle Dorcus hopei (Coleoptera; Lucanidae): Comparisons Among Developmental Stages
Bin Xiaoyan, Wang Pan, Shen Yagang, Xiang Xingjia, Jafir Muhammad, Wan Xia
Microbial Ecology. 2024 87(1).
Saproxylic Insects (2018)
Garrick Ryan C., Bouget Christophe
Epigaeic beetle communities of the Green Triangle plantation landscape, southern Australia: effect of remnant size, vegetation quality and structural complexity
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Saproxylic Insect Ecology and the Sustainable Management of Forests
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Walking and talking the tree of life: Why and how to teach about biodiversity
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Implications from large‐scale spatial diversity patterns of saproxylic beetles for the conservation of European Beech forests
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Dosage compensation in non-model insects – progress and perspectives
Kalita Agata Izabela, Keller Valsecchi Claudia Isabelle
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A practical technique for non‐destructive monitoring of soil surface invertebrates for ecological restoration programmes
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Ecological Management & Restoration. 2004 5(1). p.34
Saproxylic beetle assemblages related to silvicultural management intensity and stand structures in a beech forest in Southern Germany
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Counting animal species with DNA barcodes: Canadian insects
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Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2016 371(1702). p.20150333
Coleoptera genera of New Zealand
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New Zealand Entomologist. 2003 26(1). p.15
Conserving ground-dwelling beetles in an endangered woodland community: Multi-scale habitat effects on assemblage diversity
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Phylogeography of Saproxylic and Forest Floor Invertebrates from Tallaganda, South-eastern Australia
Garrick Ryan C., Rowell David M., Sunnucks Paul
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Coarse woody debris, biodiversity and management: a review with particular reference to Tasmanian wet eucalypt forests
Grove Simon, Meggs Jeff
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The artificial beetle, or a brief manifesto for engineered biomimicry
Bioinspiration, Biomimetics, and Bioreplication 2015 (2015)
Lakhtakia Akhlesh, Knez Mato, Martín-Palma Raúl J., Bartl Michael H., Lakhtakia Akhlesh
CenH3 distribution reveals extended centromeres in the model beetle Tribolium castaneum
Gržan Tena, Despot-Slade Evelin, Meštrović Nevenka, Plohl Miroslav, Mravinac Brankica, Malik Harmit S.
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Extrafloral nectaries mediate the arboreal beetle community (Coleoptera) in a Neotropical rainforest
Kirmse Susan, Chaboo Caroline S.
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To Conserve or to Control? Endangered Saproxylic Beetles Considered as Forest Pests
Tsikas Angelos, Karanikola Paraskevi
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Insect Biodiversity (2017)
Bouchard Patrice, Smith Andrew B. T., Douglas Hume, Gimmel Matthew L., Brunke Adam J., Kanda Kojun
Spatiotemporal changes of beetle communities across a tree diversity gradient
Sobek Stephanie, Steffan‐Dewenter Ingolf, Scherber Christoph, Tscharntke Teja
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The adipokinetic hormone family in Chrysomeloidea: structural and functional considerations
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Body size variation among invertebrates inhabiting different canopy microhabitat: flower visitors are smaller
Ecological Entomology. 2013 38(1). p.101
How many named species are valid?
Alroy John
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CharacterizingDNApreservation in degraded specimens ofAmara alpina(Carabidae:Coleoptera)
Heintzman Peter D., Elias Scott A., Moore Karen, Paszkiewicz Konrad, Barnes Ian
Molecular Ecology Resources. 2014 14(3). p.606
Evolutionary history of Coleoptera revealed by extensive sampling of genes and species
Zhang Shao-Qian, Che Li-Heng, Li Yun, Dan Liang , Pang Hong, Ślipiński Adam, Zhang Peng
Nature Communications. 2018 9(1).
Specialization of rainforest canopy beetles to host trees and microhabitats: not all specialists are leaf-feeding herbivores
Wardhaugh Carl W., Stork Nigel E., Edwards Will
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2013 109(1). p.215
Response of Common and Rare Beetle Species to Tree Species and Vertical Stratification in a Floodplain Forest
Haack Nora, Borges Paulo A. V., Grimm-Seyfarth Annegret, Schlegel Martin, Wirth Christian, Bernhard Detlef, Brunk Ingo, Henle Klaus, Pereira Henrique M.
Insects. 2022 13(2). p.161
Biodiversity data synthesis is critical for realizing a functional post-2020 framework
Orr Michael C., Hughes Alice C., Costello Mark J., Qiao Huijie
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Saproxylic Insects (2018)
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Biodiversity in India: Status, Issues and Challenges (2022)
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The terrestrial arthropods of Mauritius: a neglected conservation target
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Invasion disharmony in the global biogeography of native and non‐native beetle species
Liebhold Andrew M., Turner Rebecca M., Blake Rachael E., Bertelsmeier Cleo, Brockerhoff Eckehard G., Nahrung Helen F., Pureswaran Deepa S., Roques Alain, Seebens Hanno, Yamanaka Takehiko, Franzén Markus
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Variation in beetle community structure across five microhabitats in Australian tropical rainforest trees
Wardhaugh Carl W., Edwards Will, Stork Nigel E., Basset Yves, Crist Thomas
Insect Conservation and Diversity. 2013 6(4). p.463
Mexican Beetle1 Species Described between 2000-2020: Analysis from Zoological Record of Patterns and Trends
Navarrete-Heredia José L., Arriaga-Varela Emmanuel, Contreras-Félix Gerardo
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Short-term responses of ground-active beetles to alternative silvicultural systems in the Warra Silvicultural Systems Trial, Tasmania, Australia
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Recalibrated Tree of Leaf Beetles (Chrysomelidae) Indicates Independent Diversification of Angiosperms and Their Insect Herbivores
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Species richness and complementarity of beetle faunas in a mediterranean-type biodiversity hotspot
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Why conservation reserves should not always be concentrated in riparian areas: A study of ground-dwelling beetles in wet eucalypt forest
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Biological Conservation. 2006 133(2). p.156
Assessing biodiversity by remote sensing in mountainous terrain: the potential of LiDAR to predict forest beetle assemblages
Müller Jörg, Brandl Roland
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The elytra-to-body binding mechanism of the flightless rainforest species Tabarus montanus Kaszab (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidea)
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Down wood and biodiversity — implications to forest practices
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An inordinate fondness for Mecopteriformia
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Treetops at Risk (2013)
Wardhaugh Carl W.

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