A systematic review of remotely delivered interventions to support wellbeing amongst caregivers of adults with acquired brain injuries
Nils Rickardsson
There is a need for improved access to evidence-based interventions supporting the wellbeing of caregivers of adults with acquired brain injury (ABI). Remotely delivered interventions could address this need. The present systematic review sought to collate studies evaluating remotely delivered interventions designed to improve the wellbeing of caregivers of adults with an ABI, to summarise findings and to comment on the quality of this research.
Systematic searches were conducted up until December 2023. Study characteristics, populations, interventions and outcomes were outlined, and papers were appraised on methodological quality. The review was pre-registered (PROSPERO: CRD42020189235).
Eleven studies meeting inclusion criteria were identified. Methodological quality was generally low to adequate. Most studies evaluated an intervention for caregivers of people with stroke, with a variety of types of interventions trialled. The majority of studies reported non-significant findings on wellbeing outcomes when compared to control conditions.
There is limited evidence supporting a remotely delivered intervention to improve wellbeing outcomes for ABI caregivers. Specific recommendations are provided, including the development of a core set of outcomes and replication of findings over time, which can improve research into the development and evaluation of remote interventions for this population.
Keywords: ABI, brain injury, caregiving, carer support, mHealth, remote delivery, stroke, telehealth.
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