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Healthcare Infection Healthcare Infection Society
Official Journal of the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control

Hand hygiene competence in the intensive care unit

Thea van de Mortel and Margherita Murgo

Australian Infection Control 10(2) 46 - 50
Published: 2005


The hand hygiene knowledge and competence of staff in an adult intensive care unit (ICU) was measured at a 450 bed Australian metropolitan teaching hospital. Staff working in or entering the ICU to perform patient care over a two-month period were asked to complete a questionnaire that examined their knowledge of current hand hygiene policy and procedures. Hand hygiene practice was also assessed by observation. Sixty-six staff participated, including 50 registered nurses (RNs), eight medical staff (MOs), five surgical dressers (SDs) and three radiographers (X-Ray technicians). Radiographers were excluded from the statistical analysis due to low numbers participating. Scores on the knowledge component of the questionnaire ranged from 5-10/10 (mean 7.39 ± 1.04 std dev). Scores on the practical component ranged from 3-6/6 (mean 5.83 ± 0.56). Mean knowledge scores by profession were: 7.75 (MOs), 7.38 (RNs), and 6.60 (SDs). Mean competence scores by profession were: 5.75 (MOs), 5.88 (RNs), and 5.80 (SDs). There were no significant differences in hand hygiene knowledge (p = 0.178) and hand hygiene competence between professions (p = 0.780). The greatest knowledge deficit lay in what constituted a routine handwash and in which situations routine handwashing was required.

© Australian Infection Control Association 2005

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