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Healthcare Infection Healthcare Infection Society
Official Journal of the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control

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Introduction to Australian surveillance definitions: surgical site infection & bloodstream infections

M. Richards, T. Riley, P. Sykes, M. Whitby, R. West and L. Zerner E. Auricht, J. Borgert, M. Butler, H. Cadwallader, P. Collignon, M. Eades, J. Ferguson, R. Kampen, D. Looke, M. Pawsey,
5(3) pp.25 - 31

18 articles found in Crossref database.

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Uniform national denominator definitions for infection control clinical indicators: surgical site and health care associated blood stream infection
Auricht E., Borgert J., Butler M., Cadwallader H., Collignon P., Cooper C., Eades M., Ferguson J., Kampen R., Looke D., McLaws M.-L., Olesen D., Pawsey M., Richards M., Riley T., Saul J., Spearing N., Thomson R., West R., Whitby M., Wishart M., Zerner L.
Australian Infection Control. 2001 6(2). p.47
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Cordova S.P, Heath C.H, McGechie D.B, Keil A.D, Beers M.Y, Riley T.V
Journal of Hospital Infection. 2004 56(1). p.22
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Australian Infection Control. 2002 7(3). p.v
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