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Health Promotion Journal of Australia Health Promotion Journal of Australia Society
Journal of the Australian Health Promotion Association
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Health Promotion Journal of Australia

Health Promotion Journal of Australia

Volume 27 Number 3 2016

Advancing Evaluation Practice

Social networking sites (SNS), such as Facebook, are popular platforms for health promotion. This systematic review describes previous studies’ methods for evaluating SNS health promotion. It found that few studies were able to both assess reach of an intervention in a real-life setting while using rigorous research designs.

HE16041Designing evaluation plans for health promotion mHealth interventions: a case study of the Milk Man mobile app

Becky K. White, Sharyn K. Burns, Roslyn C. Giglia and Jane A. Scott
pp. 198-203

Mobile interventions are increasingly being incorporated into health promotion programs. As a result, practitioners are required to develop appropriate evaluation plans. This paper describes a number of evaluation tools and models, and provides a case study of the evaluation plan developed for the Milk Man app. The examples discussed can provide guidance for practitioners seeking to develop mHealth interventions.

HE16050Assessing change in perceived community leadership readiness in the Obesity Prevention and Lifestyle program

Iordan Kostadinov, Mark Daniel, Michelle Jones and Margaret Cargo
pp. 208-214

Community leadership is important to the success of community-based health promotion programs. This study assessed perceived community-level leadership readiness for childhood obesity prevention, at two time-points, in 168 suburbs engaged in South Australia’s Obesity Prevention and Lifestyle initiative. The study found greater increases in readiness associated with longer intervention exposure and smaller populations. The use of an online tool holds promise for illuminating the role of readiness in large-scale intervention trials.

HE16053Validity of four measures in assessing school canteen menu compliance with state-based healthy canteen policy

Kathryn Reilly, Nicole Nathan, Luke Wolfenden, John Wiggers, Rachel Sutherland, Rebecca Wyse and Sze Lin Yoong
pp. 215-221

Valid measures are needed to assess the impact of healthy canteen policies on the provision of foods in schools at a population level. Policy compliance was assessed using four different measures to identify the most valid method compared to observations. A quick menu audit was found to be a valid and potentially low-cost method of assessing policy implementation at scale.

This study assessed the usefulness of a smartphone GPS tracking system for evaluating the impact of bicycle infrastructure improvements on behavioural outcomes. Findings suggested that smartphone GPS data can supplement, not replace, existing data sources, in evaluating the impact of bicycle infrastructure improvements.

HE16046Applying systems theory to the evaluation of a whole school approach to violence prevention

Sarah Kearney, Loksee Leung, Andrew Joyce, Debbie Ollis and Celia Green
pp. 230-235

Can evaluation methods influence and enhance complex prevention initiatives? This paper illustrates how evaluation feedback loops were a critical element in a school-based violence prevention initiative. The findings have implications for health promotion activities, where evaluation tools could be utilised to enhance, rather than simply measure, the effectiveness of an intervention.

HE16044Sectoral system capacity development in health promotion: evaluation of an Aboriginal nutrition program

Bill Genat, Jennifer Browne, Sharon Thorpe and Catherine MacDonald
pp. 236-242

This paper describes how an evidence-based Aboriginal health policy and program strategy that was initiated, developed and led by the peak Aboriginal community-controlled health organisation in Victoria established a collaborative network of government, non-government and local Aboriginal health agencies with a shared focus and increased capacity to engage with Aboriginal Victorians regarding healthy eating.

HE16039Evaluation of the implementation of Get Healthy at Work, a workplace health promotion program in New South Wales, Australia

Santosh Khanal, Beverley Lloyd, Chris Rissel, Claire Portors, Anne Grunseit, Devon Indig, Ismail Ibrahim and Sinead McElduff
pp. 243-250

This paper describes how routinely collected Get Healthy at Work program data was used alongside an online survey of businesses and semistructured interviews with service providers to identify areas for program improvement. The evaluation provides a real-world example of an evaluation of a large-scale workplace health program using routinely collected administrative data in combination with formal evaluation data.

HE16049Beyond fun runs and fruit bowls: an evaluation of the meso-level processes that shaped the Australian Healthy Workers Initiative

Anne C. Grunseit, Samantha Rowbotham, Melanie Pescud, Devon Indig and Sonia Wutzke
pp. 251-258

This qualitative study describes the translation of a complex national-level workplace obesity-prevention initiative to state-level programs across Australia. Interviews with state program coordinators aimed at critically examining this process revealed that programmatic choices were grounded in two interrelated goals of achieving meaningful change and program sustainability. Taking program development as an evaluation target can yield important insights into how context, theory and priorities affect that process.

HE16043Application of ecological momentary assessment in workplace health evaluation

Lina Engelen, Josephine Y. Chau, Sarah Burks-Young and Adrian Bauman
pp. 259-263

It is important to holistically evaluate workplace health initiatives to understand what worked, how and why. Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) on a smartphone app was successfully used to collect in-the-moment responses on participants’ well being, activities and behaviour change. The novel use of EMA to measure workplace health outcomes was effective, acceptable and flexible, and can be used in future health promotion and program evaluation.

HE16045Building research and evaluation capacity in population health: the NSW Health approach

Barry Edwards, Beth Stickney, Andrew Milat, Danielle Campbell and Sarah Thackway
pp. 264-267

Evidence derived from research and evaluation is critical to inform policies and programs. This paper describes the range of evidence-based approaches taken by NSW Health to building research and evaluation capability within the organisation and the subsequent increase in activity, infrastructure and peer-reviewed papers. The outcomes support the value of organisations taking a structured, multistrategy approach to building research and evaluation capability.