Health Promotion Journal of Australia
Volume 27 Number 2 2016
HEv27n2_EDThe medicalisation of prevention: health promotion is more than a pill a day
HE15029A picture's worth a thousand words: a food-selection observational method
The National Heart Foundation recently made the decision to retire the ‘Tick’ food labelling system that has been in operation in Australia for the last two decades. Focus groups with adult and child consumers indicated that attitudes to the tick have become more negative in recent years. The Heart Foundation will now support other food labelling initiatives.
HE15092Promoting physical activity among children and youth in disadvantaged South Australian CALD communities through alternative community sport opportunities
Current approaches to multicultural inclusion in sport may fail to focus on actual community needs. This project engaged 263 young people in a community development program aimed at empowering disadvantaged multicultural communities to engage in health promotion through sport. The results highlight that we need to move beyond thinking of sport participation as a matter of integration into existing sport clubs and structures.
HE15114Feed Safe: a multidisciplinary partnership approach results in a successful mobile application for breastfeeding mothers
This paper describes the multidisciplinary partnership process used to develop a new breastfeeding mobile application, Feed Safe. The process, evaluated with a validated tool, led to an effective, well-received application that achieved media attention and strong public uptake. The findings discussed may guide other health promotion practitioners in developing and disseminating mobile health applications.
HE15114 Abstract | HE15114 Full Text | HE15114PDF (404 KB) Open Access Article
HE15078Reorientation of health services: enablers and barriers faced by organisations when increasing health promotion capacity
In recent years, major cuts to resources and leadership in preventive health approaches have hindered the capacity to improve population health outcomes. This literature review synthesises the enablers and barriers faced by health organisations over the past 25 years in building capacity to deliver health promotion approaches. Given current limited resources, it is timely to be aware of how capacity for health promotion can be strengthened.
HE15078 Abstract | HE15078 Full Text | HE15078PDF (282 KB) Open Access Article
HE15113A cross-sectional study examining the extent of unwanted sexual attention and unhealthy intimate relationships among female university students
A cross-sectional study of 465 female university students was undertaken to describe the extent of unwanted sexual attention and unhealthy intimate relationships. Two-thirds of participants reported experiencing unwanted sexual attention. Almost one-third reported experiencing at least one element of an unhealthy intimate relationship. These findings are concerning given the negative impacts on and individual’s physical, emotional and social well being and suggest the need for health promotion intervention.
HE15116Cancer screening education: can it change knowledge and attitudes among culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Queensland, Australia?
Low participation rates in cancer screening have been identified among migrants internationally. To address this, the Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland developed an education program for breast, bowel and cervical cancer screening. After participating in the program, participants’ knowledge increased; some attitudes toward participation in cancer screening became more positive; and intent to participate in future screening increased. These results indicate the importance of developing screening approaches that address the barriers to participation among culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
HE15080Partnerships and the past: reflections on 1940s community centre endeavours of the National Fitness Council
Historical research can provide a longer perspective on an issue than is currently perceived. This research provides such a perspective by providing insight into partnership building in the 1940s between the National Fitness Council and various government and non-government organisations – a precursor to the type of work undertaken now as part of health promotion. This historical precedence helps to expand our understanding of health promotion as a discipline within Australia.
HE15042The influence of population mobility on changing patterns of HIV acquisition: lessons for and from Australia
HE15021Primary caregivers of young children are unaware of food neophobia and food preference development
This study is the first to explore primary caregivers’ awareness of food neophobia and food preference development in young children. Primary caregivers of children aged between 1 and 2.5 years are unaware of food neophobia and food preference development. With raised awareness of food neophobia and how food preferences develop, primary caregivers may decrease their children’s exposure to non-core foods.
HE15124The impact of alcohol management practices on sports club membership and revenue
This study investigates the impact of implementing alcohol management practices in community sporting clubs on club revenue and membership. Sports clubs were randomised to receive an intervention to improve alcohol management or a no-intervention control. At follow-up, there were significantly more spectators attending intervention clubs, relative to control clubs. There was no significant difference in club income between groups.
HE15028Cultural experiences of student and new-graduate dietitians in the Gomeroi gaaynggal ArtsHealth program: a quality assurance project
Dietitians have roles to play in optimising nutrition for Indigenous Australians, but exposure to practical experience may be limited. This quality assurance project evaluated the experiences of student and new-graduate dietitians at an Aboriginal ArtsHealth centre, and identified key themes of ‘building rapport’ and ‘developing cultural understanding’. Dietetic students are encouraged to seek out opportunities for development of cultural awareness by working with Indigenous communities where possible.
HE15089Implementation of a driver licensing support program in three Aboriginal communities: a brief report from a pilot program
The Driving Change program has been piloted in three communities to increase licensing rates for young Aboriginal people. This brief report indicates that Driving Change is reaching the target population and providing a sufficiently flexible program that is assisting young Aboriginal people to access licensing services in NSW.
HE15100Assessing the potential to combine attitude tracking and health campaign evaluation surveys
This study examined whether including a health campaign evaluation survey within an attitude and behaviour tracking survey produced different outcomes compared with the separate administration of the evaluation survey. Minimal differences were found between the two surveys, suggesting that outcomes can be maximised by administering fewer, longer surveys.
HE15088Willingness of Australian health educators and health promotion officers to conduct rapid HIV testing
Should rapid HIV testing be expanded to non-traditional settings such as health promotion and education? A recent survey found that 60% of Australian Health Educators and Health Promotion Officers believed that it should and 70% were willing to be trained. As the public and private sectors continue to explore innovative ways to increase the number of people with HIV who know their status, alternative workforces should be considered.