Health Promotion Journal of Australia
Volume 26 Number 2 2015
HEv26n2_EDThe rise of e-cigarettes: implications for health promotion
HE14061How big is a food portion? A pilot study in Australian families
To date, it is unclear what parents and children deem a typical portion size. The present pilot study compared typically served portions of various foods with recommended portion sizes. It was found that served portion sizes for most foods, but not beverages, exceeded the recommendations. Interventions to improve dietary patterns should therefore target education regarding portion size.
HE14061 Abstract | HE14061 Full Text | HE14061PDF (83 KB) Open Access Article
HE14098Improvement in primary school adherence to the NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy in 2007 and 2010
Creating a healthy food environment in schools is a strategy employed by the NSW government since 2005.This study looked at changes in food sold in primary schools over 3 years and found modest improvements; however, overall compliance was low. This raises concern and indicates that schools require more support to stem the tide of childhood obesity, especially in rural and disadvantaged areas.]
HE14031Assessing the real world effectiveness of the Healthy Eating Activity and Lifestyle (HEAL™) program
Lifestyle modification programs can be an effective strategy to reduce chronic disease risk factors; however, few government-funded, community-based programs report their findings in the peer-reviewed literature. In this article we report the outcomes of participation in the Healthy Eating Activity and Lifestyle (HEAL™) program, which received funding under the Australian government’s Healthy Communities Initiative between 2010 and 2013. Participation in the 8-week program resulted in significant improvements in healthy behaviours and health markers. The findings strengthen the case for support of lifestyle modification programs to improve public health and lessen the personal cost of chronic conditions.
HE14031 Abstract | HE14031 Full Text | HE14031PDF (105 KB) Open Access Article
HE14115Environmental barriers and enablers to physical activity participation among rural adults: a qualitative study
How the environment impacts on physical activity in rural adults is not well understood. This qualitative study explored environmental barriers and facilitators to physical activity participation among rural adults, and discovered that functionality, diversity of opportunities, spaces and places for all, and realistic expectations were important considerations for rural-dwellers. These factors should be considered when modifying rural environments to support physical activity.
HE14092Physical activity and sedentary behaviour among Asian and Anglo-Australian adolescents
This article reports on the differences in objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behaviour among a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) sample of adolescents. The results demonstrate lower engagement in physical activity and greater sedentary behaviour participation among Chinese-Australian and South-East Asian adolescents compared to Anglo-Australian adolescents. These findings are important for intervention planning and delivery and population health.
HE14111The motivation and actions of Australians concerning brain health and dementia risk reduction
Australia is facing a dramatic rise in the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. This national survey found that about half of Australians intended to improve their brain health and 38% reported taking action (usually in the form of mental exercise) for this purpose. Knowledge, understanding and confidence concerning dementia risk reduction were related to levels of motivation and action.
HE14111 Abstract | HE14111 Full Text | HE14111PDF (156 KB) Open Access Article
HE14104Familial risk for lifestyle-related chronic diseases: can family health history be used as a motivational tool to promote health behaviour in young adults?
Both family health history (FHH) and lifestyle behaviours such as physical activity, dietary intake and alcohol consumption are risk factors for chronic disease. This paper examines whether FHH information could be used to motivate young people to intend to modify these lifestyle behaviours. The provision of a FHH assessment increased perceived vulnerability among young adults and intentions to communicate with family members about disease risk, but did not change dietary or physical activity intentions.
HE14060Effect of an obesity pamphlet on parental perception and knowledge of excess weight in their children: results of a randomised controlled trial
Eighty parents were randomly allocated to an experimental group given an obesity pamphlet or to a control group. The study found that the pamphlet increased understanding of childhood obesity immediately after the intervention in parents of overweight or obese children.
HE14052Men’s Sheds function and philosophy: towards a framework for future research and men’s health promotion
Men’s Sheds offer a male space for socialising, activities and also support the promotion of men’s health and wellbeing. Better understanding different sheds’ function and philosophy enabled us to create a framework that will assist future men’s health promotion activities. Efficient and targeted health promotion activities at Men’s Sheds will lead to better health and wellbeing outcomes for Australian men.
HE14033Does a corporate worksite physical activity program reach those who are inactive? Findings from an evaluation of the Global Corporate Challenge
The workplace is an important setting for health promotion. This evaluation of a four-month workplace physical activity program found increases in daily steps and reductions in sitting time but limited overall increases in physical activity, given high levels of participants at baseline. To have the greatest population health impact, future workplace physical activity programs should target inactive employees.
HE14074‘Kids in the Kitchen’ impact evaluation: engaging primary school students in preparing fruit and vegetables for their own consumption
Children’s fruit and vegetable consumption is below levels recommended for optimal growth, development and health. ‘Kids in the Kitchen’ – a hands-on classroom-based food preparation program for primary school students – resulted in increased numbers of fruits and vegetables tried, liked and consumed by students. Primary schools that provide opportunities for active involvement in food preparation can contribute positively to children’s nutrition.
HE14100Culturally appropriate flipcharts improve the knowledge of common respiratory conditions among Northern Territory Indigenous families
Flipcharts are widely used as education tools in Indigenous health. In the first paediatric quantitative study on the use of flipcharts as a means of providing health education to Indigenous Australians, we have shown that culturally appropriate flipcharts are an effective method of providing health education.
HE15002Perceptions of the solarium ban in Australia: ‘Fake it, don’t bake it’
With the use of sun-protective behaviours and the avoidance of deliberate UV exposure, skin cancer should be largely preventable. This study aimed to examine responses to the ban on commercial solariums in Australia. There were high levels of public support for the ban; however, it will take time to modify the tanning behaviours of prior solarium users.