Health Promotion Journal of Australia
Volume 25 Number 1 2014
RESEARCH FRONT: Advances and Challenges for Health Promotion
HEv25n1_EDParadox of health care in the world’s greatest nation: commentary on the 2013 Annual American Public Health Association Conference in Boston
HE13075On the road to prevention: road injury and health promotion
HE14001From evidence to action: health promotion and alcohol
Preventing alcohol-related harm presents a range of challenges including those related to political will, competing interests, and embedded drinking cultures. There are also opportunities for health promotion, including clear evidence on both the extent of the problem and evidence-based responses and growing community support for action. This paper considers: the nature of the challenge; evidence-based approaches; achievements and developments; challenges and obstacles; and the role of health promotion and the health promotion workforce.
HE13072Urban design and health: progress to date and future challenges
Principles of healthy urban design are not being consistently translated into urban planning practice in Australia. This paper outlines the evidence of the association between urban design and chronic diseases and suggests approaches to facilitate the creation of healthy urban environments through improved translation of evidence into policy and practice.
How can health promotion be practiced in an ethically justifiable way? Ethical frameworks, described in this article, can assist. But these are not sufficient. Ethically justifiable practice also requires taking a position on the relationship between citizen and state, and the place of health and health promotion in that relationship.
HE13101Closing the chasm between research and practice: evidence of and for change
Rather than trying to close the research-to-practice gap with more efficient dissemination, a case is made that a solution more helpful to practitioners would be to make the ‘pipeline’ a two-way flow from practice to research priorities and from research to practice.
HE13101 Abstract | HE13101 Full Text | HE13101PDF (213 KB) Open Access Article
HE13085Getting Australia more active: challenges and opportunities for health promotion
Physical activity has been described as public health’s ‘best bet’ or ‘best buy’; however, motivating individuals and groups to adopt and maintain physical activity is a challenge for health professionals. This paper overviews the contemporary status of physical activity promotion in Australia and identifies key challenges and opportunities moving forward.
HE13085 Abstract | HE13085 Full Text | HE13085PDF (365 KB) Open Access Article
HE13078Mobilisation, politics, investment and constant adaptation: lessons from the Australian health-promotion response to HIV
This article describes how the Australian HIV partnership response moved from a crisis response to a constant and continuously adapting response, with challenges in sustaining the partnership. The experience, including its successes and failures, has lessons applicable across health promotion.
HE13095Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about lung cancer in three culturally and linguistically diverse communities living in Australia: a qualitative study
Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs about lung cancer among Chinese, Vietnamese and Arabic-speaking communities in Sydney, New South Wales (NSW) are explored. Focus groups found limited awareness of the signs and symptoms of lung cancer which, combined with cultural perceptions about lung cancer, impacted on attitudes towards help-seeking behaviour.
School achievement is a key social determinant of health. Seventy-four secondary school students were asked to report on their experiences of being suspended. A minority of students received adult supervision while suspended and perceived that their teachers were less helpful post-suspension. Recommendations for improving the process of being suspended and maintaining student–teacher relationships are made.
HE13029Protecting children from taking up smoking: parents' views on what would help
Parents are key to preventing child uptake of smoking, but they can’t do it alone. When asked what could be done to help, the parents’ views reflected standard tobacco control approaches: build children’s knowledge, reduce access, denormalise smoking, promote health and increase school monitoring of smoking. A more engaging process is needed to elicit innovative and culturally acceptable strategies.