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Health Promotion Journal of Australia Health Promotion Journal of Australia Society
Journal of the Australian Health Promotion Association

Wrestling with 'doubt-sayers': a first step in leading community-wide climate change action for better health

Jan Ritchie

Health Promotion Journal of Australia 22(4) 46 - 47
Published: 2011


Issue addressed: Although the evidence base for climate change is indisputable and the potential human health impact is extremely concerning, to date public health professionals are playing little part in influencing community change to accept and act on the science. Method: In reviewing the techniques used to obstruct action on tobacco control by vested interests through constantly raising doubt about the science in this arena, a similar pattern is seen in obstructing action on climate change. Results: It is clear that the raising of unverified doubt is the primary tool employed by profit-driven corporations to prevent constructive action in both these arenas, with the very high potential for the health of the whole population to suffer as a result. Conclusion: Those promoting the health of Australians have a responsibility to optimise health in this regard and need to think differently through embracing complexity science and then take action, with the first step being to provide constant counter-arguments to the unsubstantiated statements of the ?doubt-sayers?. Key words: climate change, sustainability and health, fundamental determinant of health, wicked problems.

© Australian Health Promotion Association 2011

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