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Health Promotion Journal of Australia Health Promotion Journal of Australia Society
Journal of the Australian Health Promotion Association

Hairdressers as a resource in addressing family violence

Shakti McLaren, Aileen Thoms, Schana Serin, Rhonda Garad, Andrew Joyce and Jessica McCormick

Health Promotion Journal of Australia 21(3) 236 - 238
Published: 01 December 2010


Issue addressed: This paper reports on an initiative conducted within the Shire of Cardinia, Victoria, to increase skills and confidence of hairdressers to act as a resource and referral source for mental health issues, including family violence. Methods: The intervention consisted of a workshop for hairdressers, follow-up telephone, e-mail and drop-in support on how to enhance communication relating to mental health issues, including family violence. The program was conducted twice, with 20 participants in the first program and 15 in the second. There is complete pre and post data for 30 of the 35 participants, who were all female. A questionnaire was developed as a pre and post measure, with five items related to knowledge and confidence in responding to and referring clients with mental health issues, including family violence. This questionnaire was modified slightly after the first intervention phase. Results: There was an increase in self-confidence to respond to clients raising issues of concern and knowledge was increased about where to refer clients. This change was not significant for the first intervention phase, but was significant in the second intervention trial. Conclusions: Hairdressers could be receptive to providing mental health and referral information to their clients. Key words: Hairdressing salons, early intervention for family violence.

© Australian Health Promotion Association 2010

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