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Health Promotion Journal of Australia Health Promotion Journal of Australia Society
Journal of the Australian Health Promotion Association

Building capacity for evidence-based practice in the health promotion workforce: evaluation of a train-the-trainer initiative in NSW

Beverley Lloyd, Lucie Rychetnik, Michelle Maxwell and Trish Nove

Health Promotion Journal of Australia 20(2) 151 - 154
Published: 01 August 2009


Issue addressed: Evidence-based practice (EBP) is essential for effective health promotion practice, but not all health promotion staff have the required skills. In New South Wales this issue was addressed by implementing an EBP train-the-trainer (TTT) program to build workforce capacity. Methods: The success of the program was assessed through surveys completed by EBP-TTT participants and AHS participants of the disseminated EBP training activities. Results: Ten formal EBP training activities were delivered in five of the eight NSW Areas, reaching a total of 133 practitioners. Participants reported significant improvements in their EBP knowledge and skills, and that these had been incorporated into their practice. A range of informal activities were also conducted. Barriers to delivery of training activities in the three remaining areas included resource restrictions, staff movement and organisational change, and insufficient confidence. Conclusions: The EBP-TTT program was an effective means of disseminating EBP knowledge and skills when the local ?training-team? felt sufficiently prepared and the Area Health Service was able to support local training activities. Key words: health promotion, evidence based practice, workforce development, training-the-trainer, evaluation.

© Australian Health Promotion Association 2009

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