Review of Chisocheton (Meliaceae) in Papuasia
PF. Stevens
Contributions from Herbarium Australiense
1975(11) 1 - 55
Published: 1975
The genus Chisocheton in Papuasia is reviewed. The variability of some of the characters used in species delimitation is discussed briefly, and a key is given for the identification of the 22 species recognized. Seven new species are described (C. gliroides, C. montanus, C. novobritannicus, C. sapindinus, C. schoddei, C. stellatus and C. tenuis), a new specific combination made [C. sayeri (C. DC.) Stevens] and a new varietal combination made [C. sayeri var. pilosus (C. DC.) Stevens]. Twenty names based on specimens collected in Papuasia are considered to be synonyms, whilst the earliest names for two non-endemic Papuasian species are found to be based on extra-Papuasian material. All the taxa are described and their infraspecific variation and their relationships discussed. Five names are still unaccounted for and one, C. sogerensis Bak. f., is excluded from the genus.
© CSIRO 1975