Functional Plant Biology
Volume 32 Number 11 2005
FP05080Salinity and the growth of non-halophytic grass leaves: the role of mineral nutrient distribution
Yuncai Hu, Wieland Fricke and Urs Schmidhalter
pp. 973-985
FP05081Hexose uptake by developing cotyledons of Vicia faba: physiological evidence for transporters of differing affinities and specificities
Gregory N. Harrington, Katherine E. Dibley, Raymond J. Ritchie, Christina E. Offler and John W. Patrick
pp. 987-995
FP05127Increased capacity for sucrose uptake leads to earlier onset of protein accumulation in developing pea seeds
Elke G. Rosche, Daniel Blackmore, Christina E. Offler and John W. Patrick
pp. 997-1007
FP05154How does temperature affect C and N allocation to the seeds during the seed-filling period in pea? Effect on seed nitrogen concentration
Annabelle Larmure, Christophe Salon and Nathalie G. Munier-Jolain
pp. 1009-1017
FP05036Phloem hydrostatic pressure relates to solute loading rate: a direct test of the Münch hypothesis
Nick Gould, Michael R. Thorpe, Olga Koroleva and Peter E. H. Minchin
pp. 1019-1026
FP05082Short-term storage of carbohydrate in stem tissue of apple (Malus domestica), a woody perennial: evidence for involvement of the apoplast
Joanna C. McQueen, Peter E. H. Minchin, Michael R. Thorpe and Warwick B. Silvester
pp. 1027-1031
FP05102Osmotic stress changes carbohydrate partitioning and fructose-2,6-bisphosphate metabolism in barley leaves
Dorthe Villadsen, Jesper Henrik Rung and Tom Hamborg Nielsen
pp. 1033-1043
FP05158Glutathione S-transferase and aluminum toxicity in maize
Geraldo M. A. Cançado, Vicente E. De Rosa, Jorge H. Fernandez, Lyza G. Maron, Renato A. Jorge and Marcelo Menossi
pp. 1045-1055
FP05042The importance of nitrate in ameliorating the effects of ammonium and urea nutrition on plant development: the relationships with free polyamines and plant proline contents
Fabrice Houdusse, Angel M. Zamarreño, Maria Garnica and Josemaria García-Mina
pp. 1057-1067