Functional Plant Biology
Volume 31 Number 5 2004
Ecophysiology of Australasian Plants and Ecosystems
FP04902Foreword to 'Ecophysiology of Australasian Plants and Ecosystems'
Mark Hovenden and Susan Schmidt
pp. iv-iv
FP03215Viewpoint : Assessing the carbon sequestration potential of mesic savannas in the Northern Territory, Australia: approaches, uncertainties and potential impacts of fire
Richard J. Williams, Lindsay B. Hutley, Garry D. Cook, Jeremy Russell-Smith, Andrew Edwards and Xiayong Chen
pp. 415-422
FP03194Convergence in hydraulic architecture, water relations and primary productivity amongst habitats and across seasons in Sydney
Catriona Macinnis-Ng, Kate McClenahan and Derek Eamus
pp. 429-439
FP03199Leaf water use efficiency differs between Eucalyptus seedlings from contrasting rainfall environments
Matthew J. Searson, Dane S. Thomas, Kelvin D. Montagu and Jann P. Conroy
pp. 441-450
FP03217Terpene deployment in Eucalyptus polybractea ; relationships with leaf structure, environmental stresses, and growth
Drew J. King, Roslyn M. Gleadow and Ian E. Woodrow
pp. 451-460
FP03220Seasonal responses of xylem sap velocity to VPD and solar radiation during drought in a stand of native trees in temperate Australia
Melanie J. B. Zeppel, Brad R. Murray, Craig Barton and Derek Eamus
pp. 461-470
FP03211The impacts of leaf shape and arrangement on light interception and potential photosynthesis in southern beech (Nothofagus cunninghamii )
Stephen O. Kern, Mark J. Hovenden and Gregory J. Jordan
pp. 471-480
FP03209Pigment dynamics during cold-induced photoinhibition of Acacia melanoxylon
Tim L. Watson, Dugald C. Close, Neil J. Davidson and Noel W. Davies
pp. 481-489
FP03218Cyanogenesis in tropical Prunus turneriana : characterisation, variation and response to low light
Rebecca E. Miller, Roslyn M. Gleadow and Ian E. Woodrow
pp. 491-503
FP04024Nitrogen ecophysiology of Heron Island, a subtropical coral cay of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Susanne Schmidt, William C. Dennison, Gordon J. Moss and George R. Stewart
pp. 517-528
FP03201Screening broad beans (Vicia faba ) for magnesium deficiency. I. Growth characteristics, visual deficiency symptoms and plant nutritional status
Yuda Hariadi and Sergey Shabala
pp. 529-537
FP03202Screening broad beans (Vicia faba ) for magnesium deficiency. II. Photosynthetic performance and leaf bioelectrical responses
Yuda Hariadi and Sergey Shabala
pp. 539-549
FP03212Short Communication : Leaf trait relationships in Australian plant species
Ian J. Wright, Philip K. Groom, Byron B. Lamont, Pieter Poot, Lynda D. Prior, Peter B. Reich, E-Detlef Schulze, Erik J. Veneklaas and Mark Westoby
pp. 551-558
FP03213Research Note : Measuring variability in chlorophyll-fluorescence-derived photosynthetic parameters in situ with a programmable multi-channel fluorometer
John W. Runcie and Martin J. Riddle
pp. 559-562