Functional Plant Biology
Volume 30 Number 3 2003
FP02076Understanding plant responses to drought — from genes to the whole plant
Manuela M. Chaves, João P. Maroco and João S. Pereira
pp. 239-264
FP02226Exposed red (anthocyanic) leaves of Quercus coccifera display shade characteristics
Yiannis Manetas, Yiola Petropoulou, George K. Psaras and Antonia Drinia
pp. 265-270
FP02185Loss of pod set caused by drought stress is associated with water status and ABA content of reproductive structures in soybean
Fulai Liu, Mathias N. Andersen and Christian R. Jensen
pp. 271-280
FP02221An ultrastructural study using anhydrous fixation of Eragrostis nindensis , a resurrection grass with both desiccation-tolerant and -sensitive tissues
Clare Vander Willigen, Norman W. Pammenter, Mohamed A. Jaffer, Sagadevan G. Mundree and Jill M. Farrant
pp. 281-290
FP02205Effects of high temperature on grain growth and on the metabolites and enzymes in the starch-synthesis pathway in the grains of two wheat cultivars differing in their responses to temperature
Morteza Zahedi, Rajinder Sharma and Colin F. Jenner
pp. 291-300
FP02140Photoacclimation involves modulation of the photosynthetic oxygen-evolving reactions in Dunaliella tertiolecta and Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Antonietta Quigg, John Beardall and Tom Wydrzynski
pp. 301-308
FP02160Effects of UV-B radiation on plant growth, symbiotic function and concentration of metabolites in three tropical grain legumes
Samson B. M. Chimphango, Charles F. Musil and Felix D. Dakora
pp. 309-318
FP02224The operation of the lutein epoxide cycle correlates with energy dissipation
José I. García-Plazaola, Antonio Hernández, José M. Olano and José M. Becerril
pp. 319-324
FP02202Tissue stresses and resistance to water flow conspire to uncouple the water potential of the epidermis from that of the xylem in elongating plant stems
John B. Passioura and John S. Boyer
pp. 325-334
FP02192Screening methods for waterlogging tolerance in lucerne: comparative analysis of waterlogging effects on chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthesis, biomass and chlorophyll content
Christiane F. Smethurst and Sergey Shabala
pp. 335-343
FP02175Dormancy release in Lolium rigidum seeds is a function of thermal after-ripening time and seed water content
Kathryn J. Steadman, Andrew D. Crawford and Robert S. Gallagher
pp. 345-352
PP98095_ERReview : Mechanisms of anoxia tolerance in plants. I. Growth, survival and anaerobic catabolism
Jane Gibbs and Hank Greenway
pp. 353-353