Functional Plant Biology
Volume 37 Number 8 2010
FP10097A unique web resource for physiology, ecology and the environmental sciences: PrometheusWiki
Lawren Sack, Will K. Cornwell, Louis S. Santiago, Margaret M. Barbour, Brendan Choat, John R. Evans, Rana Munns and Adrienne Nicotra
pp. 687-693
FP10001Elevated [CO2] and forest vegetation: more a water issue than a carbon issue?
Joseph A. M. Holtum and Klaus Winter
pp. 694-702
FP09277Quantifying genetic effects of ground cover on soil water evaporation using digital imaging
Daniel J. Mullan and Matthew P. Reynolds
pp. 703-712
FP09284Effects of leaf development and phosphorus supply on the photosynthetic characteristics of perennial legume species with pasture potential: modelling photosynthesis with leaf development
Lalith D. B. Suriyagoda, Hans Lambers, Megan H. Ryan and Michael Renton
pp. 713-725
FP10040Grazing winter wheat relieves plant water stress and transiently enhances photosynthesis
Matthew T. Harrison, Walter M. Kelman, Andrew D. Moore and John R. Evans
pp. 726-736
FP09281Effect of light and CO2 on inorganic carbon uptake in the invasive aquatic CAM-plant Crassula helmsii
Signe Koch Klavsen and Stephen C. Maberly
pp. 737-747
FP09252Aerenchyma formation: programmed cell death in adventitious roots of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) under waterlogging
Zhen Jiang, Xue-Fang Song, Zhu-Qing Zhou, Li-Kai Wang, Ji-Wei Li, Xiang-Yi Deng and Hai-Yan Fan
pp. 748-755
FP09297Effects of fruiting on vegetative growth and development dynamics of grapevines (Vitis vinifera cv. Semillon) can be traced back to events at or before budbreak
Dennis H. Greer and Chris Weston
pp. 756-766
FP09271Identification of the lipoxygenase gene family from Vitis vinifera and biochemical characterisation of two 13-lipoxygenases expressed in grape berries of Sauvignon Blanc
Andriy Podolyan, Jackie White, Brian Jordan and Chris Winefield
pp. 767-784
FP09243Comparative efficiency of subcellular targeting signals for expression of a toxic protein in sugarcane
Mark A. Jackson, Kerry A. Nutt, Rachael Hassall and Anne L. Rae
pp. 785-793