Functional Plant Biology
Volume 36 Number 1 2009
FP08180Temporal variation in δ13C, wood density and microfibril angle in variously irrigated Eucalyptus nitens
David M. Drew, E. Detlef Schulze and Geoffrey M. Downes
pp. 1-10
FP08195Estimating fine root longevity in a temperate Norway spruce forest using three independent methods
Dirk Gaul, Dietrich Hertel and Christoph Leuschner
pp. 11-19
FP08214Sun-shade patterns of leaf carotenoid composition in 86 species of neotropical forest plants
Shizue Matsubara, G. Heinrich Krause, Jorge Aranda, Aurelio Virgo, Kim G. Beisel, Peter Jahns and Klaus Winter
pp. 20-36
FP08093Effects of low temperature stress on excitation energy partitioning and photoprotection in Zea mays
Leonid V. Savitch, Alexander G. Ivanov, Loreta Gudynaite-Savitch, Norman P. A. Huner and John Simmonds
pp. 37-49
FP08103Environmental stress and genetics influence night-time leaf conductance in the C4 grass Distichlis spicata
Mairgareth A. Christman, Jeremy J. James, Rebecca E. Drenovsky and James H. Richards
pp. 50-55
FP08046Self-organisation at the whole-plant level: a modelling study
Zongjian Yang and David J. Midmore
pp. 56-65
FP08187ABA mediation of shoot cytokinin oxidase activity: assessing its impacts on cytokinin status and biomass allocation of nutrient-deprived durum wheat
Lidia B. Vysotskaya, Alla V. Korobova, Stanislav Y. Veselov, Ian C. Dodd and Guzel R. Kudoyarova
pp. 66-72
FP08154Zm401p10, encoded by an anther-specific gene with short open reading frames, is essential for tapetum degeneration and anther development in maize
Dongxue Wang, Chengxia Li, Qian Zhao, Linna Zhao, Meizhen Wang, Dengyun Zhu, Guangming Ao and Jingjuan Yu
pp. 73-85
FP08032Different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi induce differences in cellular responses and fungal activity in a mycorrhiza-defective mutant of tomato (rmc)
Maria Manjarrez, Meredith Wallwork, Sally E. Smith, F. Andrew Smith and Sandy Dickson
pp. 86-96