Australian Journal of Plant Physiology
Volume 21 Number 4 1994
PP9940427Subcellular Localisation of Copper and Partial Isolation of Copper Proteins in Roots From Rice Plants Exposed to Excess Copper
FC Lidon and FS Henriques
pp. 427-436
PP9940437Anatomical Changes of Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. Cv. Shiraz) Roots Related to Radial Resistance to Water Movement
E Mapfumo and D Aspinall
pp. 437-447
PP9940449An Improved Method for Measuring the CO2/O2 Specificity of Ribulosebisphosphate Carboxylase-Oxygenase
HJ Kane, J Viil, B Entsch, K Paul, MK Morell and TJ Andrews
pp. 449-461
PP9940475The Relationship Between CO2 Transfer Conductance and Leaf Anatomy in Transgenic Tobacco With a Reduced Content of Rubisco
JR Evans, SV Caemmerer, BA Setchell and GS Hudson
pp. 475-495
PP9940517 The Field Pea Crop in South Western Australia – Patterns of Water Use and Root Growth in Genotypes of Contrasting Morphology and Growth Habit
EL Armstrong, JS Pate and D Tennant
pp. 517-532
PP9940533Nitrogen Balance of Field Pea Crops in South Western Australia, Studied Using the 15N Natural Abundance Technique
EL Armstrong, JS Pate and MJ Unkovich
pp. 533-549