Australian Journal of Plant Physiology
Volume 21 Number 3 1994
PP9940273Photosynthetic and Growth Responses of Variegated Ornamental Species to Elevated CO2
WJS Downton and WJR Grant
pp. 273-279
PP9940281Influence of Elevated CO2 and Phosphorus Nutrition on the Growth and Yield of a Short-Duration Rice (Oryza sativa L. Cv. Jarrah)
S Seneweera, P Milham and J Conroy
pp. 281-292
PP9940293 Leaf Hairs of Olive (Olea europaea) Prevent Stomatal Closure by Ultraviolet-B Radiation
G Grammatikopoulos, G Karabourniotis, A Kyparissis, Y Petropoulou and Y Manetas
pp. 293-301
PP9940303Proteolytic Inactivation of Glutamine Synthetase in Extracts From Wheat Leaves: Effects of pH, Inorganic Ions and Metabolites
V Frohlich, A Fischer, G Ochs, A Wild and U Feller
pp. 303-310
PP9940311The nodDABC Genes of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii Confer Root-Hair Curling Ability to a Diverse Range of Soil Bacteria and the Ability to Induce Novel Root Swellings on Beans
J Plazinski, RW Ridge, IA Mckay and MA Djordjevic
pp. 311-325
PP9940327Endogenous Biosynthetic Precursors of (+)-Abscisic Acid. I. Incorporation of Isotopes From 2H2O, 18O2 and [5-18O]Mevalonic Acid
RD Willows, AG Netting and BV Milborrow
pp. 327-343
PP9940345Endogenous Biosynthetic Precursors of (+)-Abscisic Acid. II. Incorporation of Isotopes From ( Plus or Minus )-[2H]Abscisic Aldehyde, 18O2 and H218O
AG Netting and BV Milborrow
pp. 345-357
PP9940377Photosynthesis Response of Sunlit and Shade Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Leaves at Different Positions in the Canopy Under Two Water Regimes
A Alvino, M Centritto and FD Lorenzi
pp. 377-391