Australian Journal of Plant Physiology
Volume 7 Number 5 1980
PP9800511Growth Responses of Dactylis glomerata, Lolium perenne and Phalaris aquatica to Chronic Ozone Exposure
DC Horsman, AO Nicholls and DM Calder
pp. 511-517
PP9800519Water Relations of the Developing Wheat Grain
EWR Barlow, JW Lee, R Munns and MG Smart
pp. 519-525
PP9800527Errors Arising From Rapid Water Loss in the Measurement of Leaf Water Potential by the Pressure Chamber Technique
NC Turner and MJ Long
pp. 527-537
PP9800539Carbon Production and Utilization in Cotton: Inferences From a Carbon Budget
GA Constable and HM Rawson
pp. 539-553
PP9800555Carbon Production of Sunflower Cultivars in Field and Controlled Environments. I. Photosynthesis and Transpiration of Leaves, Stems and Heads
HM Rawson and GA Constable
pp. 555-573
PP9800575 Carbon Production of Sunflower Cultivars in Field and Controlled Environment. II. Leaf Growth
HM Rawson, GA Constable and GN Howe
pp. 575-586
PP9800587Effects of Light and Leaching on Germination of Saffron Thistle (Carthamus lanatus L.)
G.C Wright, J.R McWilliam and R.D.B Whalley
pp. 587-594
PP9800595The Double-fixed-charge Membrane: Electromechanical Stress and the Effects of Temperature on Punchthrough
Mary. J Beilby and H.G.L Coster
pp. 595-608
PP9800609 Stomatal Behaviour of Kenaf and Sorghum in a Semiarid Tropical Environment. I. During the Night
RC Muchow, MM Ludlow, MJ Fisher and RJK Myers
pp. 609-619
PP9800621Stomatal Behaviour of Kenaf and Sorghum in a Semiarid Tropical Environment. II. During the Day
RC Muchow, MJ Fisher, MM Ludlow and RJK Myers
pp. 621-628