Australian Journal of Plant Physiology
Volume 5 Number 2 1978
PP9780127Transient Inhibition of Translocation in Ipomoea alba L. by Small Temperature Reductions
W.F Pickard, P.E.H Minchin and J.H Troughton
pp. 127-130
PP9780131Effect of Temperature on Growth of Five Subtropical Grasses. I. Effect of Day and Night Temperature on Growth and Morphological Development
DA Ivory and PC Whiteman
pp. 131-148
PP9780149 Effect of Temperature on Growth of Five Subtropical Grasses. II. Effect of Low Night Temperature
DA Ivory and PC Whiteman
pp. 149-157
PP9780159Agronomic and Physiological Responses of Soybean and Sorghum Crops to Water Deficits I. Growth, Development and Yield
GA Constable and AB Hearn
pp. 159-167
PP9780169Agronomic and Physiological Responses of Soybean and Sorghum Crops to Water Deficits II. Crop Evaporation, Soil Water Depletion and Root Distribution
GJ Burch, RCG Smith and WK Mason
pp. 169-177
PP9780179Agronomic and Physiological Responses of Soybean and Sorghum Crops to Water Deficits. III. Components of Leaf Water Potential, Leaf Conductance, 14co2 Photosynthesis and Adaptation to Water Deficits.
NC Turner, JE Begg, HM Rawson, SD English and AB Hearn
pp. 179-194
PP9780195Agronomic and Physiological Responses of Soybean and Sorghum Crops to Water Deficits. IV. Photosynthesis, Transpiration and Water Use Efficiency in Leaves
HM Rawson, NC Turner and JE Begg
pp. 195-209