Effects of palmitic acid (16:0), hexacosanoic acid (26:0), ethephon and methyl jasmonate on the cuticular wax composition, structure and expression of key gene in the fruits of three pear cultivars
Xiao Wu A , Yangyang Chen A , Xinjie Shi A , Kaijie Qi A , Peng Cao A , Xueying Liu A , Hao Yin A B and Shaoling Zhang
A Centre of Pear Engineering Technology Research, State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, Jiangsu, China.
B Corresponding authors. Email: yinhao@njau.edu.cn; slzhang@njau.edu.cn
Functional Plant Biology 47(2) 156-169 https://doi.org/10.1071/FP19117
Submitted: 2 May 2019 Accepted: 10 October 2019 Published: 14 January 2020
The chemical composition, crystal morphology and expression levels of associated genes involved in the cuticular wax of three pear cultivars ‘Housui’, ‘Cuiguan’ and ‘Yuluxiang’ after treatment with palmitic acid (PA), hexacosanoic acid (HA), ethephon and methyl jasmonate (Meja) were determined. A total of 59 cuticular wax compounds were detected across all samples. The wax coverage of ‘Housui’ fruits increased by 71.74, 93.48 and 89.13% after treatment with PA, ethephon and Meja, respectively, and treatment with PA, HA and Meja also increased the wax coverage in ‘Cuiguan’ (65.33, 20.00 and 21.33% respectively) and in ‘Yuluxiang’ (38.60, 63.16 and 42.11% respectively) fruits. Heatmap clustering analysis and partial least-squares-discriminate analysis (PLS-DA) also revealed that the different treatments exerted various influences on cuticular wax among the different cultivars. In addition, the wax component coverage and wax crystal structures showed variations among the different cultivars as well as different treatments. Gene expression analysis revealed 11 genes likely to be involved in pear fruit wax synthesis, transport and regulation. Taken together, the results of this study demonstrate that the differences in the cuticular waxes of the fruits of different cultivars after treatment with PA, HA, ethephon or Meja might lead to a better understanding of the regulatory effect of a substrate or elicitor on the composition and deposition of cuticular waxes.
Additional keywords: fruit, physiology, xenobiotics.
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