Novel OsGRAS19 mutant, D26, positively regulates grain shape in rice (Oryza sativa)
Zhimin Lin A B , Jingwan Yan B , Jun Su B , Huaqing Liu B , Changquan Hu B , Gang Li B , Feng Wang B C and Yi Lin
A Department of Bioengineering and Biotechnology, School of Chemical Engineering, Huaqiao University, Xiamen 361021, China.
B Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences Biotechnology Institute, Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering for Agriculture, Fuzhou 350003, China.
C Corresponding authors. Emails:;
Functional Plant Biology 46(9) 857-868
Submitted: 15 October 2018 Accepted: 10 May 2019 Published: 31 May 2019
Grain size is an important factor in rice yield. Several genes related to grain size have been reported, but most of them are determined by quantitative trail loci (QTL) traits. Gene D26 is a novel site mutation of OsGRAS19 and involved in the brassinosteroid (BR) signalling pathway. However, whether D26 is involved in the process of rice reproductive development remains unclear. Here, gene cloning and functional analysis revealed that D26 has an obvious regulatory effect on grain size. Overexpression or CRISP/Cas9 mutant of D26 also showed that grain size was positively influenced. Cellular analyses show that D26 modulates grain size by promoting cell division and regulating the cell number in the upper epidermis of the glume. The overexpression results further suggest that the level of D26 expression positively impacts grain length and leaf angles and that the expression of several known grain size genes is involved in the regulation. Based on our results, D26, as a transcription factor, effectively improves rice grain shape.
Additional keywords: brassinosteroid, D26, grain size, GRAS, rice.
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