Improved elongation of Scots pine seedlings under blue light depletion is not dependent on resource acquisition
Marian Sarala A E , Erja Taulavuori A , Jouni Karhu B , Eira-Maija Savonen C , Kari Laine D , Eero Kubin B and Kari Taulavuori AA Department of Biology, University of Oulu, PO Box 3000, FIN-90014 Oulu, Finland.
B Muhos Research Station, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Kirkkosaarentie 7, FIN-91500 Muhos, Finland.
C Finnish Forest Research Institute, Parkano Research Station, Kaironiementie 54, FIN-39700 Parkano, Finland.
D Thule-Institute, University of Oulu, PO Box 7300, FIN-90014 Oulu, Finland.
E Corresponding author. Email:
Functional Plant Biology 36(8) 742-751
Submitted: 13 January 2009 Accepted: 12 June 2009 Published: 23 July 2009
Removal of blue light (400–500 nm) induced shoot elongation of 2-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings, which was not related to resource acquisition (carbohydrates, C/N ratio and soluble proteins) and frost hardening. The seedlings were grown in northern Finland (64°N) in plexiglass chambers, either orange in colour or transparent, during elongation and cold hardening periods in 2001. The orange chamber removed the blue wavelengths. The results suggest that the growth inhibiting effect of blue light on Scots pine elongation is probably a photomorphogenic regulation response; the removal of blue light did not affect the gas exchange and accumulation of growth resources. In addition, the removal of blue light also did not affect the physiological parameters (pigment composition, chlorophyll fluorescence and lipid peroxidation) measured during the preparation for winter.
Additional keywords: frost hardening, gas exchange, photomorphogenesis, pigments.
We thank Osmo Murtovaara, Kalervo Kylmänen, Juha Kubin, and Kuisma Ranta for technical assistance, Tarja Törmänen for assistance in the laboratory and Aaron Bergdahl for improving the language. We are also grateful to MSc Pertti Hyvönen, who developed and built the light-detecting equipment. The Academy of Finland and the Finnish Forest Research Institute financially supported the work.
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