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Functional Plant Biology Functional Plant Biology Society
Plant function and evolutionary biology

Distribution of Autofluorescence and Esterase and Peroxidase Activities in the Epidermis of Wheat Roots

MM Smith and TP O'brien

Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 6(2) 201 - 219
Published: 1979


In the wheat root, peroxidases and esterases specific for a-naphthyl esters of acetate, propionate and butyrate are concentrated in cell walls, particularly the outer wall of epidermal cells undergoing extension. In contrast esterases specific for β-naphthyl esters of propionate and butyrate were intra- cellular and concentrated in epidermal and outer root-cap cells of the wheat root. Both α-naphthyl and β-naphthyl esters of longer-chain fatty acids proved to be poor substrates. The esterases and peroxidases associated with the outer epidermal wall may well be involved in turnover of phenolic acids cross-linked to polysaccharides. In this regard, ferulic acid and diferulate were shown to be constituents of wheat-root cell walls. The distribution of these substances can also be inferred from autofluorescence. Treatment with a commercial pig-liver esterase was without effect on the auto- fluorescence of the root cell-walls. Culture filtrates from Gaeumannomyces graminis did remove significant amounts of autofluorescent wall material. These preparations contained α-naphthyl acetate esterase as well as many polysaccharide hydrolase activities.

© CSIRO 1979

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