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Functional Plant Biology Functional Plant Biology Society
Plant function and evolutionary biology

Interrelation Between Low Temperature and Anaerobiosis in the Induction of Germination of Cocklebur Seed

Y Esashi, Y Tsukada and Y Ohhara

Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 5(3) 337 - 345
Published: 1978


Non-dormant upper cocklebur (Xanthium pensylvanicum Wallr.) seeds germinated bimodally, in response to low temperature as well as to high temperature. At low temperature, the process was aerobic. Increase in germination potential by pre-exposure to low temperature was termed 'chilling induction'. Similarly to anaerobic induction of cocklebur seed germination, chilling induction required a certain time of presoaking to be effective. The germination pattern was identical in both cases, the seed coat being broken at the axial end.

In contrast to anaerobic induction, however, chilling induction was not affected by exogenous ethylene and the effect of chilling was cumulative within 3-4 days, but decreased with increasing duration of chilling beyond these times. The effect of anaerobic induction was enhanced by a pre- ceding chilling, as described in a previous paper and, similarly, the effect of chilling induction for fully presoaked seeds was additively increased by a preceding period of anaerobiosis. However, the effect of the chilling was decreased by a subsequent anaerobiosis.

© CSIRO 1978

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