Glycoside hydrolases reveals their differential role in response to drought and salt stress in potato (Solanum tuberosum)
Aiana A , Hanny Chauhan A and Kashmir Singh
Glycoside hydrolases (GHs) are important in metabolic processes involving diverse carbohydrate-based substances found inside plant tissues. Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) are rich in starchy carbohydrates, suggesting the role of GHs in their metabolic pathways. In this study, we examine the GH superfamily in potato where 366 potential GHs were identified using a similarity search method. Genes were subjected to further characterisation to gain insights into their structural composition, functional properties and distribution patterns across tissue types. Several in silico methodologies were also employed to investigate the physicochemical features, conserved motifs, chromosomal mapping, duplication events, syntenic links with tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), subcellular localisations, secondary structures and phylogenetic relationships. Cis-elements in StGHs revealed that the promoters of StGHs contain cis-elements that are responsive to phytohormones that are involved in plant growth and development, and are associated with stress responses. RNA-seq data identified significant changes in expression levels of GH16, GH17, GH18, GH19 and GH28 members under stress conditions. Expression patterns of several GHs were confirmed using real time quantitative PCR in response to stress. StGH16.24 expression increased after 3 days of drought stress, whereas StGH16.30 continuously increased under salt stress. Potential interactions between potato miRNAs and StGH revealed 393 and 627 interactions under drought and salt stress, respectively. Our findings offer insights into specific functions of GHs in diverse developmental stages and stress-related challenges in potato and other plants.
Keywords: β-galactosidases, carbohydrate metabolism, drought stress, expression analysis, glycoside hydrolases, microRNAs, salt stress, Solanum tuberosum.
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