Ammonium metabolism in Selaginella bryopteris in response to dehydration-rehydration and characterisation of desiccation tolerant, thermostable, cytosolic glutamine synthetase from plant
Kamal K. Singh A , Shyamaprasad Saha B , Ram C. Kadiravana A , Deepika Majumdar A , Vijeta Rai A and Shilpi Ghosh
A Department of Biotechnology, University of North Bengal, Raja Rammohunpur, Siliguri-734013, India.
B Department of Microbiology, University of North Bengal, Raja Rammohunpur, Siliguri-734013, India.
C Corresponding author. Email:;
Functional Plant Biology -
Submitted: 28 May 2020 Accepted: 17 September 2020 Published online: 16 October 2020
Water deficit (WD) has adverse effects on plant growth, and acclimation requires responses allowing primary metabolism to continue. Resurrection plants can serve as model system to gain insight into metabolic regulation during WD. We herein report the response of a resurrection lycophyte, Selaginella bryopteris, to dehydration-rehydration cycle with emphasis on ammonium metabolism. Dehydration of S. bryopteris fronds resulted in decrease of total protein and increase of free ammonium levels and the effect was reversed on rehydration. The proline content increased twice after 24 h of dehydration, which again recovered to background levels comparable to that at full turgor state. The specific activity of glutamine synthetase (GS) didn’t change significantly till 6 h and then declined by 21% after 24 h of dehydration, whereas specific activities of glutamate synthase (GOGAT) and aminating glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) were enhanced significantly during dehydration. The deaminating activity of GDH also increased during dehydration albeit at a slower rate. Immunoblot analysis indicated overexpression of GS and GDH polypeptides during dehydration and their levels declined on rehydration. The results suggested significant role of GDH along with GS/GOGAT in production of nitrogen-rich amino acids for desiccation tolerance. Unlike higher plants S. bryopteris expressed GS only in cytosol. The enzyme had pH and temperature optima of 5.5 and 60°C, respectively, and it retained 96% activity on preincubation at 60°C for 30 min indicating thermostability. Hence, like higher plants the cytosolic GS from S. bryopteris has a conserved role in stress tolerance.
Keywords: dehydration, desiccation tolerance, glutamate, glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase, reactive oxygen species, rehydration, resurrection plants, Selaginella bryopteris (L.) Bak.
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