Regulation of the size of photosystem II light harvesting antenna represents a universal mechanism of higher plant acclimation to stress conditions
Maria M. Borisova-Mubarakshina
A Institute of Basic Biological Problems RAS, Institutskaya st. 2, Pushchino, 142290, Moscow region, Russian Federation.
B Lomonosov Moscow State University, GSP-1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation.
C Corresponding author. Email:
This paper originates from a presentation at the 10th International Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy Research for Sustainability Meeting held in St Petersburg, Russia, 23–28 June 2019.
Functional Plant Biology 47(11) 959-969
Submitted: 11 December 2019 Accepted: 25 April 2020 Published: 22 June 2020
We investigated acclimatory responses of Arabidopsis plants to drought and salinity conditions before the appearance of obvious signs of damage caused by these factors. We detected changes indicating an increase in the reduction level of the chloroplast plastoquinone pool (PQ pool) 5–7 days after introduction of the stress factors. After 10–14 days, a decrease in the size of PSII light harvesting antenna was observed in plants under conditions of drought and salinity. This was confirmed by a decrease in content of PSII antenna proteins and by downregulation of gene expression levels of these proteins under the stress conditions. No changes in values of performance index and maximum quantum yield of PSII were detected. Under drought and salinity, the content of hydrogen peroxide in leaves was higher than in control leaves. Thus, we propose that reduction of the size of PSII antenna represents one of the universal mechanisms of acclimation of higher plants to stress factors and the downsizing already begins to manifest under mild stress conditions. Both the PQ pool reduction state and the hydrogen peroxide content are important factors needed for the observed rearrangement.
Additional keywords: adaptation, drought, hydrogen peroxide, photosynthetic antenna, plastoquinone pool, salinity.
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