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Evidence That Glutamate Dehydrogenase Plays a Role in the Oxidative Deamination of Glutamate in Seedlings of Zea mays

GR Stewart, VR Shatilov, MH Turnbull, SA Robinson and R Goodall
22(5) pp.805 - 809

40 articles found in Crossref database.

Resolving the Role of Plant NAD-Glutamate Dehydrogenase: III. Overexpressing Individually or Simultaneously the Two Enzyme Subunits Under Salt Stress Induces Changes in the Leaf Metabolic Profile and Increases Plant Biomass Production
Tercé-Laforgue Thérèse, Clément Gilles, Marchi Laura, Restivo Francesco M., Lea Peter J., Hirel Bertrand
Plant and Cell Physiology. 2015 56(10). p.1918
Resolving the Role of Plant Glutamate Dehydrogenase. I. in vivo Real Time Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Experiments
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Plant and Cell Physiology. 2009 50(10). p.1761
Contribution of glutamate dehydrogenase to mitochondrial glutamate metabolism studied by 13C and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance
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Journal of Experimental Botany. 2001 52(354). p.37
The pivotal role of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) in the mobilization of N and C from storage material to asparagine in germinating seeds of yellow lupine
Lehmann Teresa, Ratajczak Lech
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Influence of cadmium on the production of γ‐glutamylcysteine peptides and enzymes of nitrogen assimilation in Zea mays seedlings
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High irradiance improves ammonium tolerance in wheat plants by increasing N assimilation
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Journal of Plant Physiology. 2013 170(8). p.758
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Control of the Synthesis and Subcellular Targeting of the Two GDH Genes Products in Leaves and Stems of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and Arabidopsis thaliana
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Plant and Cell Physiology. 2006 47(3). p.410
Annual Plant Reviews online (2018)
Li Ning, de Silva Jacquie
The isomerization of glutamate dehydrogenase in response to lead toxicity in maize
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Variety Types of Nitrogen and Light Levels on Brassica Chinensis Yield and Quality Parameters under Water Stress
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Regulation of glutamate dehydrogenase activity by manipulation of nucleotide supply in Daucus carota suspension cultures
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Diurnal changes in the expressionof glutamate dehydrogenase and nitrate reductase are involved in the C/N balance of tobacco source leaves
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Plant, Cell & Environment. 2002 25(11). p.1451
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Dubois Frédéric, Tercé-Laforgue Thérèse, Gonzalez-Moro Maria-Begoña, Estavillo José-Maria, Sangwan Rajbir, Gallais André, Hirel Bertrand
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2003 41(6-7). p.565
Annual Plant Reviews Volume 42 (2010)
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Glutamate dehydrogenase of Sphagnum
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Resolving the Role of Plant Glutamate Dehydrogenase: II. Physiological Characterization of Plants Overexpressing the Two Enzyme Subunits Individually or Simultaneously
Tercé-Laforgue Thérèse, Bedu Magali, Dargel-Grafin Céline, Dubois Frédéric, Gibon Yves, Restivo Francesco M., Hirel Bertrand
Plant and Cell Physiology. 2013 54(10). p.1635
NAD(H)-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase is essential for the survival ofArabidopsis thalianaduring dark-induced carbon starvation
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Modulation of higher-plant NAD(H)-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase activity in transgenic tobacco via alteration of beta subunit levels
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Implication of the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase pathway in conditioning the amino acid metabolism in bundle sheath and mesophyll cells of maize leaves
Valadier Marie‐Hélène, Yoshida Ayako, Grandjean Olivier, Morin Halima, Kronenberger Jocelyne, Boutet Stéphanie, Raballand Adeline, Hase Toshiharu, Yoneyama Tadakatsu, Suzuki Akira
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Biological functions of asparagine synthetase in plants
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Annual Plant Reviews online (2018)
Lea Peter J., Miflin Ben J.

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