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Stomatal and non-stomatal limitations of photosynthesis under water stress in field-grown grapevines

J. M. Escalona, J. Flexas and H. Medrano
26(5) pp.421 - 433

119 articles found in Crossref database.

Effect of elevated temperature and water availability on CO2 exchange and nitrogen fixation of nodulated alfalfa plants
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Deficit Irrigation as a Strategy to Save Water: Physiology and Potential Application to Horticulture
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Water deficit effects on the molecular processes, physiology and quality of grapevine
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Photosynthesis, yield, and chemical composition of Tieguanyin tea plants (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) in response to irrigation treatments
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Severe drought stress is affecting selected primary metabolites, polyphenols, and volatile metabolites in grapevine leaves (Vitis vinifera cv. Pinot noir)
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Effect of irrigation frequency and water distribution pattern on leaf gas exchange of cv. ‘Syrah’ grown on a clay soil at two levels of water availability
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Photosynthesis, chloroplast ultrastructure, chemical composition and oxidative stress in Theobroma cacao hybrids with the lethal gene Luteus-Pa mutant
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Gas-exchange response of almond genotypes to water stress
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Impact of soil texture and water availability on the hydraulic control of plant and grape-berry development
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Chloroplast Downsizing Under Nitrate Nutrition Restrained Mesophyll Conductance and Photosynthesis in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Under Drought Conditions
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Physiological assessment of water deficit in soybean using midday leaf water potential and spectral features
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Control of stomatal aperture and carbon uptake by deficit irrigation in two grapevine cultivars
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Limitation factors for photosynthesis in ‘Bluecrop’ highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) leaves in response to moderate water stress
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Differences among grapevine cultivars in their stomatal behavior and water use efficiency under progressive water stress
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Near isohydric grapevine cultivar displays higher photosynthetic efficiency and photorespiration rates under drought stress as compared with near anisohydric grapevine cultivar
Hochberg Uri, Degu Asfaw, Fait Aaron, Rachmilevitch Shimon
Physiologia Plantarum. 2013 147(4). p.443
Effect of silicon on photosynthetic gas exchange, photosynthetic pigments, cell membrane stability and relative water content of different wheat cultivars under drought stress conditions
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Evaluation of carbon balance and carbohydrate reserves from forced (Vitis vinifera L.) cv. Tempranillo vines
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Genotypically Identifying Wheat Mesophyll Conductance Regulation under Progressive Drought Stress
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Biochemical and physiological responses of two grapevine rootstock genotypes to drought and salt treatments
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Effects of Regulated Deficit Irrigation and Early Cluster Thinning on Production and Quality Parameters in a Vineyard cv. Tempranillo under Semi-Arid Conditions in Southwestern Spain
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SlERF36, an EAR-motif-containing ERF gene from tomato, alters stomatal density and modulates photosynthesis and growth
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Chemical and hydraulic signals regulate stomatal behavior and photosynthetic activity in maize during progressive drought
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Sana Physiological responses of two grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars to CycocelTM treatment during drought
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Effects of Regulated Deficit Irrigation and Elevated CO2 Concentration on the Photosynthetic Parameters and Stomatal Morphology of Two Maize Cultivars
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