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Functional Plant Biology Functional Plant Biology Society
Plant function and evolutionary biology

Articles citing this paper

Extracellular Polysaccharides From Shaken Liquid Cultures of Zea mays

A Bacic, SF Moody, JA Mccomb, JM Hinch and AE Clarke
14(6) pp.633 - 641

12 articles found in Crossref database.

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Pest Management Science. 2005 61(9). p.838
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Analytical Chemistry. 2019 91(11). p.7254
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Clarke A. E., Anderson M. A., Atkinson A., Bacic A., Ebert P. R., Jahnen W., Lush W. M., Mau S. -L., Woodward J. R.
Plant Molecular Biology. 1989 13(3). p.267
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Webster Judith M., Oxley David, Pettolino Filomena A., Bacic Antony
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PROTEOMICS. 2012 12(21). p.3219
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