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The Relationship Between Electron Transport Components and Photosynthetic Capacity in Pea Leaves Grown at Different Irradiances

JR Evans
14(2) pp.157 - 170

66 articles found in Crossref database.

What does optimization theory actually predict about crown profiles of photosynthetic capacity when models incorporate greater realism?
Plant, Cell & Environment. 2013 36(8). p.1547
Photosynthetic complex stoichiometry dynamics in higher plants: environmental acclimation and photosynthetic flux control
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Frontiers in Plant Science. 2014 5
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Contrasting patterns of photosynthetic acclimation to the light environment are dependent on the differential expression of the responses to altered irradiance and spectral quality
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Photosynthetic acclimation of plants to growth irradiance: the relative importance of specific leaf area and nitrogen partitioning in maximizing carbon gain
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