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Functional Plant Biology Functional Plant Biology Society
Plant function and evolutionary biology

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Differential gene expression in desiccation-tolerant and desiccation-sensitive tissue of the resurrection grass, Sporobolus stapfianus

Cecilia K. Blomstedt, Robert D. Gianello, Donald F. Gaff, John D. Hamill and Alan D. Neale
25(8) pp.937 - 946

25 articles found in Crossref database.

The response of Asterochloris erici (Ahmadjian) Skaloud et Peksa to desiccation: a proteomic approach
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The effect of desiccation and rehydration on the integrityof small subunit ribosomal RNAs in desiccation tolerantand intolerant plants
O’Mahony Patrick J, Oliver Melvin J
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2001 39(1). p.67
Purification and cloning of the two domain glyoxalase I from wheat bran
Johansen Katja S, Svendsen Ib, Rasmussen Søren K
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Characterization of Gene Expression Associated with Drought Avoidance and Tolerance Traits in a Perennial Grass Species
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PLoS ONE. 2014 9(8). p.e103611
Effects of Planting Methods on Root Yield and Nutrient Removal of Five Cassava Cultivars Planted in Late Rainy Season in Northeastern Thailand
Polthanee Anan, Wongpichet Kitti
Agricultural Sciences. 2017 08(01). p.33
Drought survival, summer dormancy and dehydrin accumulation in contrasting cultivars of Dactylis glomerata
Volaire Florence
Physiologia Plantarum. 2002 116(1). p.42
Genomics of Plants and Fungi (2003)
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Comparison of thylakoid structure and organization in sun and shade Haberlea rhodopensis populations under desiccation and rehydration
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Characterization of the V‐type H(+)‐ATPase in the resurrection plant Tortula ruralis: accumulation and polysomal recruitment of the proteolipid c subunit in response to salt‐stress1
Chen Xinbo, Kanokporn Triwitayakorn, Zeng Qin, Wilkins Thea A., Wood Andrew J.
Journal of Experimental Botany. 2002 53(367). p.225
Aldh7B6Encodes a Turgor-Responsive Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Homologue That is Constitutively Expressed in Tortula ruralis Gametophytes
Chen Xinbo, Zeng Qin, Wood Andrew J.
The Bryologist. 2002 105(2). p.177
Identification of drought stress-responsive genes from drought-tolerant groundnut cultivar (Arachis hypogaea L. cv K-134) through analysis of subtracted expressed sequence tags
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Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2012 34(1). p.361
Plant Desiccation Tolerance and its Regulation in the Foliage of Resurrection “Flowering-Plant” Species
Blomstedt Cecilia, Griffiths Cara, Gaff Donald, Hamill John, Neale Alan
Agronomy. 2018 8(8). p.146
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Hayward M. D.
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Morse Monique, Rafudeen Mohamed S., Farrant Jill M.
Proteomic analysis of leaf proteins during dehydration of the resurrection plant Xerophyta viscosa
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Proteome analysis of leaves of the desiccation-tolerant grass, Sporobolus stapfianus, in response to dehydration
Oliver Melvin J., Jain Renuka, Balbuena Tiago S., Agrawal Ganesh, Gasulla Franscisco, Thelen Jay J.
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The isolation of genes from the resurrection grass Sporobolus stapfianus which are induced during severe drought stress
Neale A. D., Blomstedt C. K., Bronson P., Le T.‐N., Guthridge K., Evans J., Gaff D. F., Hamill J. D.
Plant, Cell & Environment. 2000 23(3). p.265
Plant Desiccation Tolerance (2007)
Farrant Jill M.
Perspectives on Structural, Physiological, Cellular, and Molecular Responses to Desiccation in Resurrection Plants
Neeragunda Shivaraj Yathisha, Barbara Plancot, Gugi Bruno, Vicré-Gibouin Maïté, Driouich Azeddine, Ramasandra Govind Sharatchandra, Devaraja Akash, Kambalagere Yogendra
Scientifica. 2018 2018 p.1
Drought adversely affects tuber development and nutritional quality of the staple crop cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
Vandegeer Rebecca, Miller Rebecca E., Bain Melissa, Gleadow Roslyn M., Cavagnaro Timothy R.
Functional Plant Biology. 2013 40(2). p.195
Genomic approaches to plant stress tolerance
Cushman John C, Bohnert Hans J
Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2000 3(2). p.117
Effects of PEG-induced osmotic stress on growth and dhurrin levels of forage sorghum
O'Donnell Natalie H., Møller Birger Lindberg, Neale Alan D., Hamill John D., Blomstedt Cecilia K., Gleadow Roslyn M.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2013 73 p.83

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