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Functional Plant Biology Functional Plant Biology Society
Plant function and evolutionary biology

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The influence of atmospheric CO2 concentration on the protein, starch and mixing properties of wheat flour

G.S. Rogers, P.W. Gras, I.L. Batey, P.J. Milham, L. Payne and J.P. Conroy
25(3) pp.387 - 393

28 articles found in Crossref database.

Effects of elevated CO2 concentration on growth, water use, yield and grain quality of wheat under two soil water levels
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Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2004 104(3). p.493
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Journal of Cereal Science. 2022 103 p.103389
A quantitative and qualitative assessment of mung bean (Vigna mungo (L.) Wilczek) seed in response to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide: potential changes in fatty acid composition
Ziska Lewis H, Palowsky Robert, Reed Danielle R
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2007 87(5). p.920
Effects of atmospheric CO2 concentration on wheat yield: review of results from experiments using various approaches to control CO2 concentration
Amthor Jeffrey S
Field Crops Research. 2001 73(1). p.1
Agroecosystems in a Changing Climate (2006)
Conroy Jann, Ghannoum Oula, Searson Matthew
How environmental stress affects starch composition and functionality in cereal endosperm
Beckles Diane M., Thitisaksakul Maysaya
Starch - Stärke. 2014 66(1-2). p.58
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Yu Xurun, Hao Duo, Yang Jiaqing, Ran Liping, Zang Yong, Xiong Fei
PeerJ. 2020 8 p.e9672
Sensitivity of productivity and deep drainage of wheat cropping systems in a Mediterranean environment to changes in CO2, temperature and precipitation
van Ittersum M.K., Howden S.M., Asseng S.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2003 97(1-3). p.255
Climate Vulnerability (2013)
Taub D.R., Wang X.
Advances in Botanical Research Volume 34 (2001)
Shewry Peter R, Morell Matthew
Rust-proofing wheat for a changing climate
Chakraborty Sukumar, Luck Jo, Hollaway Grant, Fitzgerald Glenn, White Neil
Euphytica. 2011 179(1). p.19
Rising atmospheric CO2 concentration affects mineral nutrient and protein concentration of wheat grain
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Ziska L. H., Morris C. F., Goins E. W.
Global Change Biology. 2004 10(10). p.1810
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European Journal of Agronomy. 2008 28(3). p.245
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Plant, Cell & Environment. 1999 22(6). p.659
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Thitisaksakul Maysaya, Jiménez Randi C., Arias Maria C., Beckles Diane M.
Journal of Cereal Science. 2012 56(1). p.67
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Senghor A., Dioh R.M.N., Müller C., Youm I.
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Kimball B. A., Morris C. F., Pinter P. J., Wall G. W., Hunsaker D. J., Adamsen F. J., LaMorte R. L., Leavitt S. W., Thompson T. L., Matthias A. D., Brooks T. J.
New Phytologist. 2001 150(2). p.295
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Lewis James D., Ward Joy K., Tissue David T.
New Phytologist. 2010 187(2). p.438
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Global Change Biology. 2008 14(3). p.565
CO2Enrichment Effects on Forage and Grain Nitrogen Content of Pasture and Cereal Plants
Weigel H. J., Manderscheid R.
Journal of Crop Improvement. 2005 13(1-2). p.73

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