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Differential 18O enrichment of leaf cellulose in C3 versus C4 grasses

Brent R. Helliker and James R. Ehleringer
29(4) pp.435 - 442

104 articles found in Crossref database.

The oxygen isotope enrichment of leaf‐exported assimilates – does it always reflect lamina leaf water enrichment?
Gessler Arthur, Brandes Elke, Keitel Claudia, Boda Sonja, Kayler Zachary E., Granier André, Barbour Margaret, Farquhar Graham D., Treydte Kerstin
New Phytologist. 2013 200(1). p.144
Heterogeneous isotope effects decouple conifer leaf and branch sugar δ18O and δ13C
Fiorella Richard P., Kannenberg Steven A., Anderegg William R. L., Monson Russell K., Ehleringer James R.
Oecologia. 2022 198(2). p.357
Identifying the δ18O signature of precipitation in grass cellulose and phytoliths: Refining the paleoclimate model
Webb Elizabeth A., Longstaffe Frederick J.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2006 70(10). p.2417
Effects of plant types on terrestrial leaf wax long-chain n-alkane biomarkers: Implications and paleoapplications
Liu Jinzhao, Zhao Jiaju, He Ding, Huang Xianyu, Jiang Chong, Yan Hong, Lin Guanghui, An Zhisheng
Earth-Science Reviews. 2022 235 p.104248
Variation in the carbon and oxygen isotope composition of plant biomass and its relationship to water‐use efficiency at the leaf‐ and ecosystem‐scales in a northern Great Plains grassland
Plant, Cell & Environment. 2014 37(2). p.425
Small‐mammal isotope ecology tracks climate and vegetation gradients across western North America
Smiley Tara M., Cotton Jennifer M., Badgley Catherine, Cerling Thure E.
Oikos. 2016 125(8). p.1100
Environmental Effects on Oxygen Isotope Enrichment of Leaf Water in Cotton Leaves
Ripullone Francesco, Matsuo Naoko, Stuart-Williams Hilary, Wong Suan Chin, Borghetti Marco, Tani Makoto, Farquhar Graham
Plant Physiology. 2008 146(2). p.323
Isotopic records of climate seasonality in equid teeth
Blumenthal Scott A., Cerling Thure E., Smiley Tara M., Badgley Catherine E., Plummer Thomas W.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2019 260 p.329
Isotope values of California vole (Microtus californicus) hair relate to historical drought and land use patterns in California, USA
Crumsey Jasmine M., Searle Jeremy B., Sparks Jed P.
Oecologia. 2019 190(4). p.769
Hydrogen isotopic compositions of n-alkanes from terrestrial plants correlate with their ecological life forms
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Oecologia. 2006 150(2). p.330
Hydrogen isotope ratios of leaf wax n-alkanes in grasses are insensitive to transpiration
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Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2011 75(2). p.541
Relationships between δ 13 C, δ 18 O and grain yield in bread wheat genotypes under favourable irrigated and rain-fed conditions
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Field Crops Research. 2016 196 p.237
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Plant, Cell & Environment. 2008 31(6). p.828
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Functional Ecology. 2007 21(4). p.757
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Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2021 126(9).
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Plant, Cell & Environment. 2021 44(1). p.143
Model explanation of the seasonal variation of δ18O in cow (Bos taurus) hair under temperate conditions
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Scientific Reports. 2017 7(1).
Stable oxygen isotope composition of plant tissue: a review
Barbour Margaret M.
Functional Plant Biology. 2007 34(2). p.83
Seasonal variation in kangaroo tooth enamel oxygen and carbon isotopes in southern Australia
Brookman Tom H., Ambrose Stanley H.
Quaternary Research. 2012 78(2). p.256
Stable carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen, isotope analysis of plants from a South Asian tropical forest: Implications for primatology
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American Journal of Primatology. 2017 79(6).
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Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2014 128 p.13
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Millar Cody, Pratt Dyan, Schneider David J., Koehler Geoff, McDonnell Jeffrey J.
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 2019 33(23). p.1850
The δ18O and δ2H of water in the leaf growth‐and‐differentiation zone of grasses is close to source water in both humid and dry atmospheres
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New Phytologist. 2017 214(4). p.1423
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Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2015 152 p.54
Dual Δ13C/δ18O response to water and nitrogen availability and its relationship with yield in field‐grown durum wheat
Plant, Cell & Environment. 2011 34(3). p.418
Different hydrogen isotope fractionations during lipid formation in higher plants: Implications for paleohydrology reconstruction at a global scale
Liu Jinzhao, Liu Weiguo, An Zhisheng, Yang Hong
Scientific Reports. 2016 6(1).
A hierarchical framework for disentangling different controls on leaf wax δD-alkane values in terrestrial higher plants
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Quaternary Science Reviews. 2018 201 p.409
Intra-leaf heterogeneities of hydrogen isotope compositions in leaf water and leaf wax of monocots and dicots
Liu Jinzhao, An Zhisheng, Lin Guanghui
Science of The Total Environment. 2021 770 p.145258
18O Spatial Patterns of Vein Xylem Water, Leaf Water, and Dry Matter in Cotton Leaves
Gan Kim Suan, Wong Suan Chin, Yong Jean Wan Hong, Farquhar Graham Douglas
Plant Physiology. 2002 130(2). p.1008
Influence of physiology and climate on δD of leaf wax n-alkanes from C3 and C4 grasses
Smith Francesca A., Freeman Katherine H.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2006 70(5). p.1172
Partitioning evapotranspiration – Testing the Craig and Gordon model with field measurements of oxygen isotope ratios of evaporative fluxes
Dubbert Maren, Cuntz Matthias, Piayda Arndt, Maguás Cristina, Werner Christiane
Journal of Hydrology. 2013 496 p.142
An oxygen isotope chronometer for cellulose deposition: the successive leaves formed by tillers of a C4 perennial grass
Liu Hai Tao, Yang Fang, Gong Xiao Ying, Schäufele Rudi, Schnyder Hans
Plant, Cell & Environment. 2017 40(10). p.2121
The 18O‐signal transfer from water vapour to leaf water and assimilates varies among plant species and growth forms
Lehmann Marco M., Goldsmith Gregory R., Mirande‐Ney Cathleen, Weigt Rosemarie B., Schönbeck Leonie, Kahmen Ansgar, Gessler Arthur, Siegwolf Rolf T.W., Saurer Matthias
Plant, Cell & Environment. 2020 43(2). p.510
The <sup>18</sup>O ecohydrology of a grassland ecosystem – predictions and observations
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Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2019 23(6). p.2581
Effect of plant life form on relationship between δD values of leaf wax n-alkanes and altitude along Mount Taibai, China
Pu Zhang, Weiguo Liu
Organic Geochemistry. 2011 42(1). p.100
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Voigt Claudia, Alexandre Anne, Reiter Ilja M., Orts Jean-Philippe, Vallet-Coulomb Christine, Piel Clément, Mazur Jean-Charles, Aleman Julie C., Sonzogni Corinne, Miche Helene, Ogée Jérôme
Biogeosciences. 2023 20(11). p.2161
Constraining parameter uncertainty for predicting oxygen and hydrogen isotope values in fruit
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Isotopic reconstruction of Proboscidean habitats and diets on Java since the Early Pleistocene: Implications for adaptation and extinction
Puspaningrum Mika R., van den Bergh Gerrit D., Chivas Allan R., Setiabudi Erick, Kurniawan Iwan
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2020 228 p.106007
Leaf transition from heterotrophy to autotrophy is recorded in the intraleaf C, H and O isotope patterns of leaf organic matter
Zhu Zhenyu, Yin Xijie, Song Xin, Wang Bo, Ma Ran, Zhao Yu, Rani Andleeb, Wang Ying, Yan Qiulin, Jing Su, Gessler Arthur, Zhou Youping
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 2020 34(19).
Evapotranspiration partitioning through water stable isotopic measurements in a subtropical coniferous forest
Xing Wanqiu, Wang Weiguang, Cai Yue, Yu Zhongbo, Shao Quanxi, Cao Xin, Cao Mingzhu, Yang Lilin, Yong Bin
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Oxygen isotope enrichment (Δ18O) as a measure of time-averaged transpiration rate
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Oxygen isotope analysis of levoglucosan, a tracer of wood burning, in experimental and ambient aerosol samples
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Inverse relationship between salinity and n-alkane δD values in the mangrove Avicennia marina
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Half of the 18O enrichment of leaf sucrose is conserved in leaf cellulose of a C3 grass across atmospheric humidity and CO2 levels
Cabrera Juan C. Baca, Hirl Regina T., Schäufele Rudi, Zhu Jianjun, Liu Hai Tao, Gong Xiao Ying, Ogée Jérôme, Schnyder Hans
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Paleoenvironmental changes in the Brazilian Pampa based on carbon and oxygen stable isotope analysis of Pleistocene camelid tooth enamel
Lopes Renato Pereira, Scherer Carolina Saldanha, Pereira Jamil Corrêa, Dillenburg Sérgio Rebello
Journal of Quaternary Science. 2023 38(5). p.702
How yield relates to ash content, Δ13C and Δ18O in maize grown under different water regimes
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Neolithic herding practices in the Southern Caucasus: Animal management in the early 6th millennium BCE at Masis Blur in Armenia’s Ararat Valley
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Isotopic variation within Tasmanian bare-nosed wombat tooth enamel: Implications for archaeological and palaeoecological research
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Identifying the water sources consumed by bison: implications for large mammalian grazers worldwide
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Isotopic evidence for a diet shift in a Pleistocene sub-adult mastodon from the Brazilian Pampa
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18O enrichment of sucrose and photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic leaf water in a C3 grass—atmospheric drivers and physiological relations
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Leaf wax n-alkane δD values of field-grown barley reflect leaf water δD values at the time of leaf formation
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Carbon and oxygen isotope fractionations in tree rings reveal interactions between cambial phenology and seasonal climate
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Stable isotopes in leaf water of terrestrial plants
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Stable oxygen isotope and flux partitioning demonstrates understory of an oak savanna contributes up to half of ecosystem carbon and water exchange
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Temperature‐sensitive biochemical 18O‐fractionation and humidity‐dependent attenuation factor are needed to predict δ18O of cellulose from leaf water in a grassland ecosystem
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Distinctions in heterotrophic and autotrophic-based metabolism as recorded in the hydrogen and carbon isotope ratios of normal alkanes
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