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Functional Plant Biology Functional Plant Biology Society
Plant function and evolutionary biology

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Influence of water stress on cyanogenic capacity in Eucalyptus cladocalyx

Ian E. Woodrow, Damian J. Slocum and Roslyn M. Gleadow
29(1) pp.103 - 110

35 articles found in Crossref database.

Regulation of dhurrin pathway gene expression during Sorghum bicolor development
Gleadow Roslyn M., McKinley Brian A., Blomstedt Cecilia K., Lamb Austin C., Møller Birger Lindberg, Mullet John E.
Planta. 2021 254(6).
The response of different almond genotypes to moderate and severe water stress in order to screen for drought tolerance
Yadollahi A., Arzani K., Ebadi A., Wirthensohn M., Karimi S.
Scientia Horticulturae. 2011 129(3). p.403
Reports on the distribution of aromatic cyanogenic glycosides in Australian tropical rainforest tree species of the Lauraceae and Sapindaceae
Miller Rebecca E., Tuck Kellie L.
Phytochemistry. 2013 92 p.146
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Ballesta Paulina, Ahmar Sunny, Lobos Gustavo A., Mieres-Castro Daniel, Jiménez-Aspee Felipe, Mora-Poblete Freddy
Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022 13
Drought adversely affects tuber development and nutritional quality of the staple crop cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
Vandegeer Rebecca, Miller Rebecca E., Bain Melissa, Gleadow Roslyn M., Cavagnaro Timothy R.
Functional Plant Biology. 2013 40(2). p.195
Crop wild relatives as a genetic resource for generating low-cyanide, drought-tolerant Sorghum
Cowan Max F., Blomstedt Cecilia K., Norton Sally L., Henry Robert J., Møller Birger Lindberg, Gleadow Roslyn
Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2020 169 p.103884
Variation in Defence Strategies in Two Species of the Genus Beilschmiedia under Differing Soil Nutrient and Rainfall Conditions
Simon J., Miller R. E., Woodrow I. E.
Plant Biology. 2007 9(1). p.152
Dhurrin increases but does not mitigate oxidative stress in droughted Sorghum bicolor
Sohail M. N., Quinn A. A., Blomstedt C. K., Gleadow R. M.
Planta. 2022 255(4).
Growth cost and ontogenetic expression patterns of defence in cyanogenic Eucalyptus spp.
Goodger Jason Q. D., Gleadow Roslyn M., Woodrow Ian E.
Trees. 2006 20(6). p.757
The rare cyanogen proteacin, and dhurrin, from foliage of Polyscias australiana, a tropical Araliaceae
Miller Rebecca E., Tuck Kellie L.
Phytochemistry. 2013 93 p.210
Purification and biochemical characterization of a β-cyanoalanine synthase expressed in germinating seeds of Sorghum bicolor (L.) moench
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Miller Rebecca E., Simon Judy, Woodrow Ian E.
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Transport of Ferrocyanide by Two Eucalypt Species and Sorghum
Ebbs Stephen D., Piccinin Robert C., Goodger Jason Q. D., Kolev Spas D., Woodrow Ian E., Baker Alan J.M.
International Journal of Phytoremediation. 2008 10(4). p.343
Genome‐wide association study of cyanogenic glycosides, proline, sugars, and pigments in Eucalyptus cladocalyx after 18 consecutive dry summers
Mora‐Poblete Freddy, Ballesta Paulina, Lobos Gustavo A., Molina‐Montenegro Marco, Gleadow Roslyn, Ahmar Sunny, Jiménez‐Aspee Felipe
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Valenzuela Camilo E., Ballesta Paulina, Ahmar Sunny, Fiaz Sajid, Heidari Parviz, Maldonado Carlos, Mora-Poblete Freddy
Plants. 2021 10(1). p.148
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Webber Bruce L., Woodrow Ian E.
Journal of Ecology. 2009 97(4). p.761
Variation in Cyanogenic Glycosides Across Populations of Wild Lima Beans (Phaseolus lunatus) Has No Apparent Effect on Bruchid Beetle Performance
Shlichta J. Gwen, Glauser Gaetan, Benrey Betty
Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2014 40(5). p.468
Changes in Nutritional Value of Cyanogenic Trifolium repens Grown at Elevated Atmospheric CO2
Gleadow Roslyn M., Edwards Everard J., Evans John R.
Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2009 35(4). p.476
Novel aspects of cyanogenesis in Eucalyptus camphora subsp. humeana
Neilson Elizabeth H., Goodger Jason Q. D., Woodrow Ian E.
Functional Plant Biology. 2006 33(5). p.487
Drying and processing protocols affect the quantification of cyanogenic glucosides in forage sorghum
Gleadow Roslyn M, Møldrup Morten E, O'Donnell Natalie H, Stuart Peter N
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Goodger Jason Q. D., Woodrow Ian E.
Effects of Salinity on the Growth and Nutrition of Taro (Colocasia esculenta): Implications for Food Security
Lloyd Georgia R., Uesugi Akane, Gleadow Roslyn M.
Plants. 2021 10(11). p.2319
Allocation of nitrogen to chemical defence and plant functional traits is constrained by soil N
Simon J., Gleadow R. M., Woodrow I. E.
Tree Physiology. 2010 30(9). p.1111
Label-free Raman hyperspectral imaging analysis localizes the cyanogenic glucoside dhurrin to the cytoplasm in sorghum cells
Heraud Philip, Cowan Max F., Marzec Katarzyna Maria, Møller Birger Lindberg, Blomstedt Cecilia K., Gleadow Ros
Scientific Reports. 2018 8(1).
Hydrogen cyanide release during feeding of generalist and specialist lepidopteran larvae on a cyanogenic plant, Passiflora capsularis
Physiological Entomology. 2006 31(4). p.307
Genetic diversity and population structure of a drought-tolerant species of Eucalyptus, using microsatellite markers
Mora Freddy, Arriagada Osvin, Ballesta Paulina, Ruiz Eduardo
Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2017 26(3). p.274
Cyanogenic Eucalyptus nobilis is polymorphic for both prunasin and specific β-glucosidases
Gleadow Roslyn M., Vecchies Anita C., Woodrow Ian E.
Phytochemistry. 2003 63(6). p.699
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Shifts in biomass and nitrogen allocation of tree seedlings in response to root-zone temperature
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Australian Journal of Botany. 2014 62(3). p.205

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