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Functional Plant Biology Functional Plant Biology Society
Plant function and evolutionary biology

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Foreword: Studying plants with functional–structural models

Jim Hanan and Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz
35(10) - viii

20 articles found in Crossref database.

Simplification of a light-based model for estimating final internode length in greenhouse cucumber canopies
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Annals of Botany. 2011 108(6). p.1055
A functional–structural model of ephemeral seagrass growth influenced by environment
Whitehead S, Cambridge M L, Renton M
Annals of Botany. 2018 121(5). p.897
Functional–structural plant models: a growing paradigm for plant studies
Sievänen Risto, Godin Christophe, DeJong Theodore M., Nikinmaa Eero
Annals of Botany. 2014 114(4). p.599
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Osorio Sonia, Fernie Alisdair R.
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Crop Protection. 2017 95 p.101
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Pangga I. B., Hanan J., Chakraborty S.
Plant Pathology. 2011 60(1). p.70
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Saudreau M., Marquier A., Adam B., Sinoquet H.
Annals of Botany. 2011 108(6). p.1111
Modelling seagrass growth and development to evaluate transplanting strategies for restoration
Renton Michael, Airey Michael, Cambridge Marion L., Kendrick Gary A.
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AoB PLANTS. 2011 2011
Functional–structural plant modelling: a new versatile tool in crop science
Vos J., Evers J. B., Buck-Sorlin G. H., Andrieu B., Chelle M., de Visser P. H. B.
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