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Comparative performance of δ13C, δ18O and δ15N for phenotyping durum wheat adaptation to a dryland environment

José Luis Araus A D , Llorenç Cabrera-Bosquet A C , María Dolores Serret A , Jordi Bort A and María Teresa Nieto-Taladriz B
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A Unitat de Fisiologia Vegetal, Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, Spain.

B Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), Ctra. de La Coruña Km. 7,5, 28040 Madrid, Spain.

C Present address: INRA, UMR759 Laboratoire d’Ecophysiologie des Plantes sous Stress Environnementaux. Place Viala, F-34060 Montpellier, France.

D Corresponding author. Email:

Functional Plant Biology 40(6) 595-608
Submitted: 31 August 2012  Accepted: 25 January 2013   Published: 7 March 2013

83 articles found in Crossref database.

Phenomics (2015)
Araus José Luis, Elazab Abdelhalim, Vergara Omar, Cabrera-Bosquet Llorenç, Serret Maria Dolors, Zaman-Allah Mainassara, Cairns Jill E.
Combination of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio and light stable isotopic values (δ13C, δ15N and δD) for identifying the geographical origin of winter wheat in China
Liu Hongyan, Wei Yimin, Lu Hai, Wei Shuai, Jiang Tao, Zhang Yingquan, Guo Boli
Food Chemistry. 2016 212 p.367
Agronomic conditions and crop evolution in ancient Near East agriculture
Araus José L., Ferrio Juan P., Voltas Jordi, Aguilera Mònica, Buxó Ramón
Nature Communications. 2014 5(1).
Crop phenotyping in a context of global change: What to measure and how to do it
Araus Jose Luis, Kefauver Shawn Carlisle, Vergara‐Díaz Omar, Gracia‐Romero Adrian, Rezzouk Fatima Zahra, Segarra Joel, Buchaillot Maria Luisa, Chang‐Espino Melissa, Vatter Thomas, Sanchez‐Bragado Rut, Fernandez‐Gallego José Armando, Serret Maria Dolores, Bort Jordi
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2022 64(2). p.592
Traits Explaining Durum Wheat (Triticum turgidum L. spp. Durum) Yield in Dry Chilean Mediterranean Environments
González-Ribot Gerlitt, Opazo Marcela, Silva Paola, Acevedo Edmundo
Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017 8
Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum Desf.) landraces and their potential for enhancing agro-physiological characteristics and stability performance in breeding programs
Mohammadi Reza, Cheghamirza Kianoosh, Geravandi Mahdi, Zarei Leila, Atienza Sergio
Crop & Pasture Science. 2023 75(1).
Study on the variation of stable isotopic fingerprints of wheat kernel along with milling processing
Wadood Syed Abdul, Guo Boli, Liu Hongyan, Wei Shuai, Bao Xiaoping, Wei Yimin
Food Control. 2018 91 p.427
Field high-throughput phenotyping: the new crop breeding frontier
Araus José Luis, Cairns Jill E.
Trends in Plant Science. 2014 19(1). p.52
Unravelling the relationship between adaptation pattern and yield formation strategies in Mediterranean durum wheat landraces
Roselló Martina, Villegas Dolors, Álvaro Fanny, Soriano Jose M., Lopes Marta S., Nazco Ruyman, Royo Conxita
European Journal of Agronomy. 2019 107 p.43
Estimating carbon isotope discrimination and grain yield of bread wheat grown under water-limited and full irrigation conditions by hyperspectral canopy reflectance and multilinear regression analysis
Garriga Miguel, Romero-Bravo Sebastián, Estrada Félix, Méndez-Espinoza Ana M., González-Martínez Luis, Matus Iván A., Castillo Dalma, Lobos Gustavo A., Del Pozo Alejandro
International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2021 42(8). p.2848
A Mix of Agrobacterium Strains Reduces Nitrogen Fertilization While Enhancing Economic Returns in Field Trials with Durum Wheat in Contrasting Agroclimatic Regions
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Effects of phenotypic variability on the oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions of grains in different winter wheat varieties
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Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies. 2022 58(1). p.60
Interactive Effects of Elevated [CO2] and Water Stress on Physiological Traits and Gene Expression during Vegetative Growth in Four Durum Wheat Genotypes
Medina Susan, Vicente Rubén, Amador Amaya, Araus José Luis
Frontiers in Plant Science. 2016 7
Phenotypic variation in leaf photosynthetic traits, leaf area index, and carbon discrimination of field-grown wheat genotypes and their relationship with yield performance in Mediterranean environments
del Pozo Alejandro, Méndez-Espinoza Ana María, Garriga Miguel, Estrada Félix, Castillo Dalma, Matus Iván, Lobos Gustavo A.
Planta. 2023 258(1).
Variable water cycles have a greater impact on wheat growth and soil nitrogen response than constant watering
Cousins Olivia H., Garnett Trevor P., Rasmussen Amanda, Mooney Sacha J., Smernik Ronald J., Brien Chris J., Cavagnaro Timothy R.
Plant Science. 2020 290 p.110146
Phenotyping genotypic performance under multistress conditions: Mediterranean wheat as a case study
Araus Jose Luis, Rezzouk Fatima Zahra, Sanchez-Bragado Rut, Aparicio Nieves, Serret Maria Dolores
Field Crops Research. 2023 303 p.109122
Isotope and morphometrical evidence reveals the technological package associated with agriculture adoption in western Europe
Araus José L., Gascón Mireia, Ros-Sabé Eva, Piqué Raquel, Rezzouk Fatima Z., Aguilera Mònica, Voltas Jordi, Peña-Chocarro Leonor, Pérez-Jordà Guillem, Terradas Xavier, Palomo Antoni, Ferrio Juan Pedro, Antolín Ferran
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2024 121(32).
Durum wheat ideotypes in Mediterranean environments differing in water and temperature conditions
Rezzouk Fatima Zahra, Gracia-Romero Adrian, Kefauver Shawn C., Nieto-Taladriz Maria Teresa, Serret Maria Dolores, Araus José Luis
Agricultural Water Management. 2022 259 p.107257
The Effects of Elevated Tropospheric Ozone on Carbon Fixation and Stable Isotopic Signatures of Durum Wheat Cultivars with Different Biomass and Yield Stability
Ma Limin, Chen Chong, Cotrozzi Lorenzo, Bu Chengcheng, Luo Jiahong, Yao Guodong, Chen Guangyao, Zhang Weiwei, Nali Cristina, Lorenzini Giacomo
Plants. 2022 11(22). p.3185
Leaf dorsoventrality as a paramount factor determining spectral performance in field-grown wheat under contrasting water regimes
Vergara-Díaz Omar, Chairi Fadia, Vicente Rubén, Fernandez-Gallego Jose A, Nieto-Taladriz Maria Teresa, Aparicio Nieves, Kefauver Shawn C, Araus José Luis
Journal of Experimental Botany. 2018 69(12). p.3081
Metabolome Profiling Supports the Key Role of the Spike in Wheat Yield Performance
Vergara-Diaz Omar, Vatter Thomas, Vicente Rubén, Obata Toshihiro, Nieto-Taladriz Maria Teresa, Aparicio Nieves, Carlisle Kefauver Shawn, Fernie Alisdair, Araus José Luis
Cells. 2020 9(4). p.1025
Relationship of leaf oxygen and carbon isotopic composition with transpiration efficiency in the C4 grasses Setaria viridis and Setaria italica
Ellsworth Patrick Z, Ellsworth Patrícia V, Cousins Asaph B
Journal of Experimental Botany. 2017 68(13). p.3513
Maintaining soil productivity as the key factor in European prehistoric and Medieval farming
Dreslerová Dagmar, Hajnalová Mária, Trubač Jakub, Chuman Tomáš, Kočár Petr, Kunzová Eva, Šefrna Luděk
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 2021 35 p.102633
Genotypic variations in leaf and whole-plant water use efficiencies are closely related in bread wheat genotypes under well-watered and water-limited conditions during grain filling
del Pozo Alejandro, Méndez-Espinoza Ana María, Romero-Bravo Sebastián, Garriga Miguel, Estrada Félix, Alcaíno Marta, Camargo-Rodriguez Anyela V., Corke Fiona M. K., Doonan John H., Lobos Gustavo A.
Scientific Reports. 2020 10(1).
Agronomic and physiological responses of Chinese facultative wheat genotypes to high-yielding Mediterranean conditions
The Journal of Agricultural Science. 2016 154(5). p.870
Genomics for drought resistance – getting down to earth
Blum Abraham
Functional Plant Biology. 2014 41(11). p.1191
Breeding for salt tolerance in wheat: The contribution of carbon isotopic signatures
Zoubeir Chamekh, Zouari Ines, Jallouli Salma, Ayadi Sawsen, Abdenour Sebei, Trifa Youssef
Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. 2022 58(2). p.43
The Plant-Transpiration Response to Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD) in Durum Wheat Is Associated With Differential Yield Performance and Specific Expression of Genes Involved in Primary Metabolism and Water Transport
Medina Susan, Vicente Rubén, Nieto-Taladriz Maria Teresa, Aparicio Nieves, Chairi Fadia, Vergara-Diaz Omar, Araus José Luis
Frontiers in Plant Science. 2019 9
Thermal Imaging Reliability for Estimating Grain Yield and Carbon Isotope Discrimination in Wheat Genotypes: Importance of the Environmental Conditions
Romero-Bravo Sebastián, Méndez-Espinoza Ana María, Garriga Miguel, Estrada Félix, Escobar Alejandro, González-Martinez Luis, Poblete-Echeverría Carlos, Sepulveda Daniel, Matus Ivan, Castillo Dalma, del Pozo Alejandro, Lobos Gustavo A.
Sensors. 2019 19(12). p.2676
Factors preventing the performance of oxygen isotope ratios as indicators of grain yield in maize
Sánchez-Bragado Rut, Araus José Luis, Scheerer Ursula, Cairns Jill E., Rennenberg Heinz, Ferrio Juan Pedro
Planta. 2016 243(2). p.355
Defining durum wheat ideotypes adapted to Mediterranean environments through remote sensing traits
Gracia-Romero Adrian, Vatter Thomas, Kefauver Shawn C., Rezzouk Fatima Zahra, Segarra Joel, Nieto-Taladriz María Teresa, Aparicio Nieves, Araus José Luis
Frontiers in Plant Science. 2023 14
Physiological Traits Associated with Wheat Yield Potential and Performance under Water-Stress in a Mediterranean Environment
del Pozo Alejandro, Yáñez Alejandra, Matus Iván A., Tapia Gerardo, Castillo Dalma, Sanchez-Jardón Laura, Araus José L.
Frontiers in Plant Science. 2016 7
Interactive Effects of CO2 Concentration and Water Regime on Stable Isotope Signatures, Nitrogen Assimilation and Growth in Sweet Pepper
Serret María D., Yousfi Salima, Vicente Rubén, Piñero María C., Otálora-Alcón Ginés, del Amor Francisco M., Araus José L.
Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018 8
Seasonal drought may alter N availability but not water use efficiency of dominant trees in a subtropical forest
Tang Songbo, Xu Yimin, Lin Yongbiao, Hou Enqing, Shen Weijun, Wang Jun, Kuang Yuanwen
Global Ecology and Conservation. 2018 16 p.e00475
Impact of elevated CO2 and drought on yield and quality traits of a historical (Blanqueta) and a modern (Sula) durum wheat
Erice Gorka, Sanz-Sáez Álvaro, González-Torralba Jon, Méndez-Espinoza Ana María, Urretavizcaya Inés, Nieto María Teresa, Serret María Dolors, Araus José Luis, Irigoyen Juan J., Aranjuelo Iker
Journal of Cereal Science. 2019 87 p.194
Pyrolysis temperature affects biochar suitability as an alternative rhizobial carrier
Shabir Rahat, Li Yantao, Megharaj Mallavarapu, Chen Chengrong
Biology and Fertility of Soils. 2024 60(5). p.681
Identification of traits associated with barley yield performance using contrasting nitrogen fertilizations and genotypes
Vicente Rubén, Vergara-Díaz Omar, Kerfal Samir, López Antonio, Melichar James, Bort Jordi, Serret María Dolores, Araus José Luis, Kefauver Shawn C.
Plant Science. 2019 282 p.83
Root Architecture and Functional Traits of Spring Wheat Under Contrasting Water Regimes
Brunel-Saldias Nidia, Ferrio Juan Pedro, Elazab Abdelhalim, Orellana Massiel, del Pozo Alejandro
Frontiers in Plant Science. 2020 11
Genotypic differences in agro-physiological, biochemical and isotopic responses to salinity stress in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) plants: Prospects for salinity tolerance and yield stability
Hussain M. Iftikhar, Al- Dakheel Abdullah J., Reigosa Manuel J.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2018 129 p.411
Compound-Specific 14N/15N Analysis of Amino Acid Trimethylsilylated Derivatives from Plant Seed Proteins
Domergue Jean-Baptiste, Lalande Julie, Abadie Cyril, Tcherkez Guillaume
International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022 23(9). p.4893
Agronomic performance of irrigated quinoa in desert areas: Comparing different approaches for early assessment of salinity stress
Rezzouk Fatima Zahra, Shahid Mohammad Ahmed, Elouafi Ismahane A., Zhou Bangwei, Araus José L., Serret Maria D.
Agricultural Water Management. 2020 240 p.106205
Comparative performance of δ13C, ion accumulation and agronomic parameters for phenotyping durum wheat genotypes under various irrigation water salinities
Chamekh Z., Karmous C., Ayadi S., Sahli A., Belhaj Fraj M., Yousfi S., Rezgui S., Ben Aissa N., Serret M.D., McCann I., Trifa Y., Amara H., Araus J.L.
Annals of Applied Biology. 2017 170(2). p.229
Ecophysiological Responses of Tall Wheatgrass Germplasm to Drought and Salinity
Borrajo Celina I., Sánchez-Moreiras Adela M., Reigosa Manuel J.
Plants. 2022 11(12). p.1548
Crop Physiology Case Histories for Major Crops (2021)
del Pozo Alejandro, Mera Mario
Stability analysis of yield component traits in 25 durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) genotypes under contrasting irrigation water salinity
Chamekh Zoubeir, Karmous Chahine, Ayadi Sawsen, Sahli Ali, Hammami Zied, Belhaj Fraj Makram, Benaissa Nadhira, Trifa Youssef, Slim-Amara Hajer
Agricultural Water Management. 2015 152 p.1
Comparative effect of salinity on growth, grain yield, water use efficiency, δ13C and δ15N of landraces and improved durum wheat varieties
Chamekh Zoubeir, Ayadi Sawsen, Karmous Chahine, Trifa Youssef, Amara Hajer, Boudabbous Khaoula, Yousfi Salima, Serret Maria Dolors, Araus José Luis
Plant Science. 2016 251 p.44
Climate Change and Crop Stress (2022)
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Biopolymer as an additive for effective biochar-based rhizobial inoculant
Shabir Rahat, Li Yantao, Megharaj Mallavarapu, Chen Chengrong
Science of The Total Environment. 2024 912 p.169263
Genetic Advance of Durum Wheat Under High Yielding Conditions: The Case of Chile
del Pozo Alejandro, Matus Iván, Ruf Kurt, Castillo Dalma, Méndez-Espinoza Ana María, Serret María Dolores
Agronomy. 2019 9(8). p.454
Relationships Between Mycorrhizal Attributes and Stable Carbon and Azote Isotopes in a Semi-arid Environment as Influenced by Durum Wheat Cultivars and Salinity Level
Boudabbous Khaoula, Bouhaouel Imen, Jerbi Maroua, Chamekh Zoubeir, Karmous Chahine, Benaissa Nadhira, Trifa Youssef, Sahli Ali, Amara Hajer Slim, Araus José Luis
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2022 22(4). p.4327
A Novel Remote Sensing Approach for Prediction of Maize Yield Under Different Conditions of Nitrogen Fertilization
Vergara-Díaz Omar, Zaman-Allah Mainassara A., Masuka Benhildah, Hornero Alberto, Zarco-Tejada Pablo, Prasanna Boddupalli M., Cairns Jill E., Araus José L.
Frontiers in Plant Science. 2016 7
Relative contribution of shoot and ear photosynthesis to grain filling in wheat under good agronomical conditions assessed by differential organ δ13C
Sanchez-Bragado Rut, Molero Gemma, Reynolds Matthew P., Araus Jose Luis
Journal of Experimental Botany. 2014 65(18). p.5401
Interactive effect of water and nitrogen regimes on plant growth, root traits and water status of old and modern durum wheat genotypes
Elazab Abdelhalim, Serret María Dolors, Araus José Luis
Planta. 2016 244(1). p.125
A genetic link between leaf carbon isotope composition and whole‐plant water use efficiency in the C4 grass Setaria
Ellsworth Patrick Z., Feldman Max J., Baxter Ivan, Cousins Asaph B.
The Plant Journal. 2020 102(6). p.1234
Agronomic and physiological traits associated with breeding advances of wheat under high-productive Mediterranean conditions. The case of Chile
del Pozo Alejandro, Matus Iván, Serret María Dolores, Araus José Luis
Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2014 103 p.180
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Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 2017 247 p.164
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Ferrio Juan Pedro, Aguilera Mònica, Voltas Jordi, Araus José Luis
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Chang-Espino Melissa, González-Fernández Ignacio, Alonso Rocío, Araus Jose Luis, Bermejo-Bermejo Victoria
Atmosphere. 2021 12(7). p.883
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Science of The Total Environment. 2023 873 p.162470
Stable isotopes in archaeobotanical research
Fiorentino Girolamo, Ferrio Juan Pedro, Bogaard Amy, Araus José Luis, Riehl Simone
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 2015 24(1). p.215
Root traits and resource acquisition determining durum wheat performance under Mediterranean conditions: An integrative approach
Rezzouk Fatima Zahra, Gracia-Romero Adrian, Segarra Joel, Kefauver Shawn C., Aparicio Nieves, Serret Maria Dolors, Araus José Luis
Agricultural Water Management. 2023 288 p.108487
The combined use of vegetation indices and stable isotopes to predict durum wheat grain yield under contrasting water conditions
Elazab Abdelhalim, Bort Jordi, Zhou Bangwei, Serret María Dolors, Nieto-Taladriz María Teresa, Araus José Luis
Agricultural Water Management. 2015 158 p.196
Remote sensing techniques and stable isotopes as phenotyping tools to assess wheat yield performance: Effects of growing temperature and vernalization
Rezzouk Fatima Zahra, Gracia-Romero Adrian, Kefauver Shawn C., Gutiérrez Nieves Aparicio, Aranjuelo Iker, Serret Maria Dolors, Araus José Luis
Plant Science. 2020 295 p.110281
Carbon Isotope Composition and the NDVI as Phenotyping Approaches for Drought Adaptation in Durum Wheat: Beyond Trait Selection
Sanchez-Bragado Rut, Newcomb Maria, Chairi Fadia, Condorelli Giuseppe Emanuele, Ward Richard W., White Jeffrey W., Maccaferri Marco, Tuberosa Roberto, Araus Jose Luis, Serret Molins Maria Dolors
Agronomy. 2020 10(11). p.1679
Comparative performance of remote sensing methods in assessing wheat performance under Mediterranean conditions
Yousfi Salima, Kellas Nassim, Saidi Lila, Benlakehal Zahra, Chaou Lydia, Siad Djamila, Herda Farid, Karrou Mohamed, Vergara Omar, Gracia Adrian, Araus José Luis, Serret Maria Dolores
Agricultural Water Management. 2016 164 p.137
Effects of region, genotype, harvest year and their interactions on δ13C, δ15N and δD in wheat kernels
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Food Chemistry. 2015 171 p.56
Comparative Performance of High-Yielding European Wheat Cultivars Under Contrasting Mediterranean Conditions
de Lima Valter Jário, Gracia-Romero Adrian, Rezzouk Fatima Zahra, Diez-Fraile Maria Carmen, Araus-Gonzalez Ismael, Kamphorst Samuel Henrique, do Amaral Júnior Antonio Teixeira, Kefauver Shawn C., Aparicio Nieves, Araus Jose Luis
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Agronomic and physiological traits related to the genetic advance of semi-dwarf durum wheat: The case of Spain
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Functional traits of field-droughted contrasting rice genotypes reveal multiple independent genomic adaptations and metabolic responses
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Gas exchanges, isotopic ratio of δ13C/12C and enzymatic activity in bell pepper under different irrigation
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Biotecnia. 2024 26 p.464
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Leaf δ15N as a physiological indicator of the responsiveness of N2-fixing alfalfa plants to elevated [CO2], temperature and low water availability
Ariz Idoia, Cruz Cristina, Neves Tomé, Irigoyen Juan J., Garcia-Olaverri Carmen, Nogués Salvador, Aparicio-Tejo Pedro M., Aranjuelo Iker
Frontiers in Plant Science. 2015 6
Oxygen isotope enrichment in rice (Oryza sativa L.) grain organic matter captures signature of relative humidity
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Plant Science. 2018 274 p.503
The Nitrogen Contribution of Different Plant Parts to Wheat Grains: Exploring Genotype, Water, and Nitrogen Effects
Sanchez-Bragado Rut, Serret M. Dolors, Araus José L.
Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017 7
Characterizations of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios in wheat fractions and their feasibility for geographical traceability: A preliminary study
Liu Hongyan, Guo Boli, Zhang Bo, Zhang Yingquan, Wei Shuai, Li Ming, Wadood Syed Abdul, Wei Yimin
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 2018 69 p.149
Combined Use of Low-Cost Remote Sensing Techniques and δ13C to Assess Bread Wheat Grain Yield under Different Water and Nitrogen Conditions
Yousfi Salima, Gracia-Romero Adrian, Kellas Nassim, Kaddour Mohamed, Chadouli Ahmed, Karrou Mohamed, Araus José Luis, Serret Maria Dolores
Agronomy. 2019 9(6). p.285
Post-green revolution genetic advance in durum wheat: The case of Spain
Chairi Fadia, Vergara-Diaz Omar, Vatter Thomas, Aparicio Nieves, Nieto-Taladriz Maria Teresa, Kefauver Shawn C., Bort Jordi, Serret María Dolores, Araus José Luis
Field Crops Research. 2018 228 p.158
Contribution of the ear and the flag leaf to grain filling in durum wheat inferred from the carbon isotope signature: Genotypic and growing conditions effects
Sanchez‐Bragado Rut, Elazab Abdelhalim, Zhou Bangwei, Serret Maria Dolors, Bort Jordi, Nieto‐Taladriz Maria Teresa, Araus José Luis
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2014 56(5). p.444
Relationships between δ 13 C, δ 18 O and grain yield in bread wheat genotypes under favourable irrigated and rain-fed conditions
Foulkes M.J., DeSilva J., Gaju O., Carvalho P.
Field Crops Research. 2016 196 p.237
Suitability mapping and management monitoring in Castilian organic and conventional wheat fields with Sentinel-2 and spatial data
Segarra Joel, Araus Jose Luis, Kefauver Shawn C.
Ecological Informatics. 2023 78 p.102347

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