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Differential photosynthetic performance and photoprotection mechanisms of three Mediterranean evergreen oaks under severe drought stress

José Javier Peguero-Pina A , Domingo Sancho-Knapik A , Fermín Morales B , Jaume Flexas C and Eustaquio Gil-Pelegrín A D
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A Unidad de Recursos Forestales, Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria, Gobierno de Aragón, Apdo. 727, 50080 Zaragoza, Spain.

B Department of Plant Nutrition, Experimental Station of Aula Dei, CSIC, Apdo. 13034, 50080 Zaragoza, Spain.

C Laboratori de Fisiologia Vegetal, Departament de Biologia, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Carretera de Valldemossa, km 7.5, 07071, Palma de Mallorca, Balears, Spain.

D Corresponding author. Email:

Functional Plant Biology 36(5) 453-462
Submitted: 21 November 2008  Accepted: 6 March 2009   Published: 6 May 2009

71 articles found in Crossref database.

Photosynthetic responses and acclimation of two castor bean cultivars to repeated drying–wetting cycles
Shi Gangrong, Zhu-Ge Fei, Liu Zhiwei, Le Lila
Journal of Plant Interactions. 2014 9(1). p.783
On the effects of seasonality on soil water balance and plant growth
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Water Resources Research. 2012 48(5).
Climatic origins predict variation in photoprotective leaf pigments in response to drought and low temperatures in live oaks (Quercus series Virentes)
Ramirez-Valiente J. A., Koehler K., Cavender-Bares J.
Tree Physiology. 2015 35(5). p.521
Physiological and proteomics analyses of Holm oak (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota [Desf.] Samp.) responses to Phytophthora cinnamomi
Sghaier-Hammami Besma, Valero-Galvàn José, Romero-Rodríguez Mª Cristina, Navarro-Cerrillo Rafael Mª, Abdelly Chedly, Jorrín-Novo Jesús
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2013 71 p.191
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Escandón Mónica, Castillejo María Ángeles, Jorrín-Novo Jesús V., Rey María-Dolores
Forests. 2021 12(3). p.364
Cavitation Limits the Recovery of Gas Exchange after Severe Drought Stress in Holm Oak (Quercus ilex L.)
Peguero-Pina José Javier, Mendoza-Herrer Óscar, Gil-Pelegrín Eustaquio, Sancho-Knapik Domingo
Forests. 2018 9(8). p.443
A molecular approach to drought‐induced reduction in leaf CO2 exchange in drought‐resistant Quercus ilex
Rodríguez‐Calcerrada Jesús, Rodrigues Ana M., Perdiguero Pedro, António Carla, Atkin Owen K., Li Meng, Collada Carmen, Gil Luis
Physiologia Plantarum. 2018 162(4). p.394
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Plant Responses to Drought Stress (2012)
Aranda I., Gil-Pelegrín E., Gascó A., Guevara M. A., Cano J. F., De Miguel M., Ramírez-Valiente J. A., Peguero-Pina J. J., Perdiguero P., Soto A., Cervera M. T., Collada C.
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Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2014 103 p.24
Chl Fluorescence Parameters and Leaf Reflectance Indices Allow Monitoring Changes in the Physiological Status of Quercus ilex L. under Progressive Water Deficit
Sancho-Knapik Domingo, Mendoza-Herrer Óscar, Gil-Pelegrín Eustaquio, Peguero-Pina José Javier
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Cell‐level anatomical characteristics explain high mesophyll conductance and photosynthetic capacity in sclerophyllous Mediterranean oaks
Peguero‐Pina José Javier, Sisó Sergio, Flexas Jaume, Galmés Jeroni, García‐Nogales Ana, Niinemets Ülo, Sancho‐Knapik Domingo, Saz Miguel Ángel, Gil‐Pelegrín Eustaquio
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Living in Drylands: Functional Adaptations of Trees and Shrubs to Cope with High Temperatures and Water Scarcity
Peguero-Pina José Javier, Vilagrosa Alberto, Alonso-Forn David, Ferrio Juan Pedro, Sancho-Knapik Domingo, Gil-Pelegrín Eustaquio
Forests. 2020 11(10). p.1028
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San-Eufrasio Bonoso, Castillejo María Ángeles, Labella-Ortega Mónica, Ruiz-Gómez Francisco J., Navarro-Cerrillo Rafael M., Tienda-Parrilla Marta, Jorrín-Novo Jesús V., Rey María-Dolores
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Leaf functional plasticity decreases the water consumption without further consequences for carbon uptake inQuercus cocciferaL. under Mediterranean conditions
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Tree Physiology. 2016 36(3). p.356
Responses and Differences in Tolerance to Water Shortage under Climatic Dryness Conditions in Seedlings from Quercus spp. and Andalusian Q. ilex Populations
San-Eufrasio Bonoso, Sánchez-Lucas Rosa, López-Hidalgo Cristina, Guerrero-Sánchez Victor M., Castillejo María Ángeles, Maldonado-Alconada Ana María, Jorrín-Novo Jesús V., Rey María-Dolores
Forests. 2020 11(6). p.707
Is there a species spectrum within the world‐wide leaf economics spectrum? Major variations in leaf functional traits in the Mediterranean sclerophyll Quercus ilex
Niinemets Ülo
New Phytologist. 2015 205(1). p.79
High-salinity activates photoprotective mechanisms in Quercus suber via accumulation of carbohydrates and involvement of non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidant pathways
de Oliveira José Miguel P. Ferreira, Santos Conceição, Araújo Márcia, Oliveira M. Margarida, Dias Maria Celeste
New Forests. 2022 53(2). p.285
Photoprotective Role of Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Pigments in Phillyrea latifolia: Is Their “Antioxidant” Function Prominent in Leaves Exposed to Severe Summer Drought?
Gori Antonella, Brunetti Cecilia, dos Santos Nascimento Luana Beatriz, Marino Giovanni, Guidi Lucia, Ferrini Francesco, Centritto Mauro, Fini Alessio, Tattini Massimiliano
International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021 22(15). p.8303
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Plant Disease. 2022 106(2). p.475
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Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology. 2019 201 p.111659
Photosynthetic properties of Quercus × hispanica Lam. and Q. suber L. under harsh Central European winter conditions
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Vein and stomatal traits in leaves of three co-occurring Quercus species differing in leaf life span
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Summer and winter can equally stress holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) in Mediterranean areas: A physiological view
Martín-Sánchez Rubén, Peguero-Pina José Javier, Alonso-Forn David, Ferrio Juan Pedro, Sancho-Knapik Domingo, Gil-Pelegrín Eustaquio
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Morphological and physiological divergences within Quercus ilex support the existence of different ecotypes depending on climatic dryness
Peguero-Pina José Javier, Sancho-Knapik Domingo, Barrón Eduardo, Camarero Julio Jesús, Vilagrosa Alberto, Gil-Pelegrín Eustaquio
Annals of Botany. 2014 114(2). p.301
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Trees. 2012 26(2). p.479
Oaks Physiological Ecology. Exploring the Functional Diversity of Genus Quercus L. (2017)
Gil-Pelegrín Eustaquio, Peguero-Pina José Javier, Sancho-Knapik Domingo
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Alonso-Forn David, Peguero-Pina José Javier, Ferrio Juan Pedro, Mencuccini Maurizio, Mendoza-Herrer Óscar, Sancho-Knapik Domingo, Gil-Pelegrín Eustaquio, Roberto Tognetti
Tree Physiology. 2021 41(3). p.371
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Physiological and Proteomic Analyses of Drought Stress Response in Holm Oak Provenances
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Tree Physiology. 2019 39(10). p.1750
Plant Responses to Drought Stress (2012)
Vilagrosa A., Chirino E., Peguero-Pina J.J., Barigah T.S., Cochard H., Gil-Pelegrín E.
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Scientia Horticulturae. 2013 160 p.129
Leaf gas exchange variation under summer drought in Tunisian cork oak from geographically central and marginal populations
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Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration. 2019 4(1).
Photosynthetic responses of a C3 and three C4 species of the genus Panicum (s.l.) with different metabolic subtypes to drought stress
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Differences in the leaf functional traits of six beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) populations are reflected in their response to water limitation
Sánchez-Gómez David, Robson T. Matthew, Gascó Antonio, Gil-Pelegrín Eustaquio, Aranda Ismael
Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2013 87 p.110
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Three pools of zeaxanthin in Quercus coccifera leaves during light transitions with different roles in rapidly reversible photoprotective energy dissipation and photoprotection
Peguero-Pina José Javier, Gil-Pelegrín Eustaquio, Morales Fermín
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Southeastern Rear Edge Populations of Quercus suber L. Showed Two Alternative Strategies to Cope with Water Stress
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Photosynthetic limitations in Mediterranean plants: A review
Flexas J., Diaz-Espejo A., Gago J., Gallé A., Galmés J., Gulías J., Medrano H.
Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2014 103 p.12
Mesophyll conductance limits photosynthesis in fluctuating light under combined drought and heat stresses
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