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A model of daily mean canopy conductance for calculating transpiration of olive canopies

Francisco Orgaz A , Francisco J. Villalobos A B , Luca Testi A C and Elias Fereres A B
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A Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible, CSIC, Alameda del Obispo, S/N, 14004 Córdoba, Spain.

B Departamento de Agronomia, Universidad de Córdoba, Apartado 3048, 14080 Córdoba, Spain.

C Corresponding author. Email:

Functional Plant Biology 34(3) 178-188
Submitted: 16 November 2006  Accepted: 31 January 2007   Published: 22 March 2007

43 articles found in Crossref database.

Pre- and post-harvest evapotranspiration, carbon exchange and water use efficiency of a mature peach orchard in semi-arid climate
Testi Luca, Orgaz Francisco, López-Bernal Álvaro, Villalobos Francisco J.
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Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2009 149(8). p.1229
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Rana G., Katerji N., Lazzara P., Ferrara R.M.
Agricultural Water Management. 2012 115 p.285
Estimating radiation interception in an olive orchard using physical models and multispectral airborne imagery
Guillén-Climent M. L., Zarco-Tejada P. J., Villalobos F. J.
Israel Journal of Plant Sciences. 2012 60(1). p.107
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Paudel I., Naor A., Gal Y., Cohen S.
Tree Physiology. 2015 35(4). p.425
An insight to the performance of crop water stress index for olive trees
Agam N., Cohen Y., Berni J.A.J., Alchanatis V., Kool D., Dag A., Yermiyahu U., Ben-Gal A.
Agricultural Water Management. 2013 118 p.79
Structure, management and productivity of hedgerow olive orchards: A review
Connor David J., Gómez-del-Campo Maria, Rousseaux M. Cecilia, Searles Peter S.
Scientia Horticulturae. 2014 169 p.71
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Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 2009 97(3-4). p.243
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Plant and Soil. 2010 333(1-2). p.35
A dynamic model of potential growth of olive (Olea europaea L.) orchards
Morales Alejandro, Leffelaar Peter A., Testi Luca, Orgaz Francisco, Villalobos Francisco J.
European Journal of Agronomy. 2016 74 p.93
New approach for measuring low sap velocities in trees
Testi Luca, Villalobos Francisco J.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2009 149(3-4). p.730
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Alcaras L. Martín Agüero, Rousseaux M. Cecilia, Searles Peter S.
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Agricultural Water Management. 2016 163 p.219
Evaporation and canopy conductance of citrus orchards
Villalobos F.J., Testi L., Moreno-Perez M.F.
Agricultural Water Management. 2009 96(4). p.565
High-resolution imagery acquired from an unmanned platform to estimate biophysical and geometrical parameters of olive trees under different irrigation regimes
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PLOS ONE. 2019 14(1). p.e0210804
Transpiration of young almond trees in relation to intercepted radiation
Espadafor Mónica, Orgaz Francisco, Testi Luca, Lorite Ignacio Jesús, Villalobos Francisco Javier
Irrigation Science. 2015 33(4). p.265
Analysing the combined effect of wetted area and irrigation volume on olive tree transpiration using a SPAC model with a multi-compartment soil solution
García-Tejera Omar, López-Bernal Álvaro, Orgaz Francisco, Testi Luca, Villalobos Francisco J.
Irrigation Science. 2017 35(5). p.409
Experimental Agriculture. 2013 49(4). p.597
Using sap flow measurements to estimate net assimilation in olive trees under different irrigation regimes
López-Bernal Álvaro, García-Tejera Omar, Vega Victorino A., Hidalgo Juan C., Testi Luca, Orgaz Francisco, Villalobos Francisco J.
Irrigation Science. 2015 33(5). p.357
Effects of water supply on carbon and water exchange of olive trees
Villalobos F.J., Perez-Priego O., Testi L., Morales A., Orgaz F.
European Journal of Agronomy. 2012 40 p.1
Sustainability of Southern African Ecosystems under Global Change (2024)
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Seasonal dynamics and operational monitoring of hedgerow olive tree transpiration in response to applied water
Santos F.L., Correia M.M.
Acta Horticulturae. 2018 (1199). p.357
Water requirements of mature almond trees in response to atmospheric demand
López-López Manuel, Espadafor Mónica, Testi Luca, Lorite Ignacio Jesús, Orgaz Francisco, Fereres Elías
Irrigation Science. 2018 36(4-5). p.271
Assessing the impact of deficit irrigation strategies on agronomic and productive parameters of Menara olive cultivar: implications for operational water management
Ibba Khaoula, Kassout Jalal, Boselli Vladimiro, Er-Raki Salah, Oulbi Sara, Mansouri Loubna El, Bouizgaren Abdelaziz, Sikaoui Lhassane, Hadria Rachid
Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2023 11
Effects of water deficits on whole tree water use efficiency of orange
Roccuzzo Giancarlo, Villalobos Francisco J., Testi Luca, Fereres Elías
Agricultural Water Management. 2014 140 p.61

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