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Phenotypic plasticity of an invasive acacia versus two native Mediterranean species

Ralf Peperkorn A B , Christiane Werner A and Wolfram Beyschlag A
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A Department of Experimental and Systems Ecology, Universitätsstrasse 25, D-33615 Bielefeld, Germany.

B Corresponding author. Email:

Functional Plant Biology 32(10) 933-944
Submitted: 27 October 2004  Accepted: 24 May 2005   Published: 5 October 2005

70 articles found in Crossref database.

Phenotypic plasticity of two invasive alien plant species inside a deciduous forest in a strict nature reserve in Italy
Granata Mirko Umberto, Bracco Francesco, Catoni Rosangela
Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 2020 39(4). p.346
Photosynthetic Responses of InvasiveAcacia mangiumand Co-Existing Native Heath Forest Species to Elevated Temperature and CO2Concentrations
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Acta Oecologica. 2009 35(3). p.370
Belowground mutualists and the invasive ability of Acacia longifolia in coastal dunes of Portugal
Rodríguez-Echeverría Susana, Crisóstomo João A., Nabais Cristina, Freitas Helena
Biological Invasions. 2009 11(3). p.651
Effects of Alien Plants on Ecosystem Structure and Functioning and Implications for Restoration: Insights from Three Degraded Sites in South African Fynbos
Gaertner Mirijam, Richardson David M., Privett Sean D. J.
Environmental Management. 2011 48(1). p.57
Photosynthesis in co-occurring invasive Acacia spp. and native Bornean heath forest trees at the post-establishment invasion stage
Le Quang-Vuong, Tennakoon Kushan Udayanga, Metali Faizah, Sukri Rahayu Sukmaria
Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 2019 38(3). p.230
Physiological integration increases the survival and growth of the clonal invader Carpobrotus edulis
Roiloa Sergio R., Rodríguez-Echeverría Susana, de la Peña Eduardo, Freitas Helena
Biological Invasions. 2010 12(6). p.1815
Community scale 15N isoscapes: tracing the spatial impact of an exotic N2‐fixing invader
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Dynamic niche sharing in dry acidic grasslands -a 15N-labeling experiment
Stahl Vanessa Maliya, Beyschlag Wolfram, Werner Christiane
Plant and Soil. 2011 344(1-2). p.389
Evidence for enemy release and increased seed production and size for two invasive Australian acacias
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Acta Oecologica. 2011 37(1). p.43
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