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Functional Plant Biology Functional Plant Biology Society
Plant function and evolutionary biology

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Artificial infection by endophytes affects growth and mycorrhizal colonisation of Lolium perenne

Joachim Müller
30(4) pp.419 - 424

75 articles found in Crossref database.

Epichloë endophyte affects the root colonization pattern of belowground symbionts in a wild grass
Terlizzi Natalia L., Rodríguez M. Alejandra, Iannone Leopoldo J., Lanari E., Novas M. Victoria
Fungal Ecology. 2022 57-58 p.101143
Microbiome Stimulants for Crops (2021)
Johnson Linda J., Bastías Daniel A., Caradus John R., Chettri Pranav, Forester Natasha T., Mace Wade J., Miller Taryn A., Moon Christina D., Voisey Christine R., Zhang Wei, Card Stuart D.
Plant Endophytes and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Alter the Decomposition of Achnatherum Sibiricum Litter
Zhou Yong, Li Xia, Gao Yubao, Ren Anzhi
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Fungal symbionts alter plant responses to global change
Kivlin Stephanie N., Emery Sarah M., Rudgers Jennifer A.
American Journal of Botany. 2013 100(7). p.1445
The Inhibitory Effect of Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue on White Clover Can Be Alleviated by Glomus mosseae Instead of Rhizobia
Liu Jinming, Ge Xiaoyu, Fan Xiaowen, Liu Hui, Gao Yubao, Ren Anzhi
Microorganisms. 2021 9(1). p.109
Symbiosis of Acacia auriculiformis and Acacia mangium with mycorrhizal fungi and Bradyrhizobium spp. improves salt tolerance in greenhouse conditions
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Functional Plant Biology. 2005 32(12). p.1143
Manipulating the jasmonate response: How do methyl jasmonate additions mediate characteristics of aboveground and belowground mutualisms?
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Functional Ecology. 2010 24(2). p.434
Effects of mowing on fungal endophytes and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in subalpine grasslands
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Fungal Ecology. 2013 6(4). p.248
Competition between foliar Neotyphodium lolii endophytes and mycorrhizal Glomus spp. fungi in Lolium perenne depends on resource supply and host carbohydrate content
Liu Qianhe, Parsons Anthony J., Xue Hong, Fraser Karl, Ryan Geraldine D., Newman Jonathan A., Rasmussen Susanne
Functional Ecology. 2011 25(4). p.910
Effect of epichloid endophytes and soil fertilization on arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of a wild grass
Vignale M. Victoria, Iannone Leopoldo J., Pinget A. Daniela, De Battista Jose P., Novas M. Victoria
Plant and Soil. 2016 405(1-2). p.279
Epichloë exudates promote in vitro and in vivo arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi development and plant growth
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Plant and Soil. 2018 422(1-2). p.267
The beneficial effect of Epichloë endophytes on the growth of host grasses was affected by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, pathogenic fungi and nitrogen addition
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Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2022 201 p.104979
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European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2019 154(3). p.659
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Genotypic variation in the response of chickpea to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and non-mycorrhizal fungal endophytes
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Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 2018 64(4). p.265
Tall Fescue and E. coenophiala Genetics Influence Root-Associated Soil Fungi in a Temperate Grassland
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Phytohormonal basis for the plant growth promoting action of naturally occurring biostimulators
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Fungal Endophyte Improves Survival of Lolium perenne in Low Fertility Soils by Increasing Root Growth, Metabolic Activity and Absorption of Nutrients
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The endophytic continuum
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Mycorrhizal fungi compromise production of endophytic alkaloids, increasing plant susceptibility to an aphid herbivore
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Mitigation of antagonistic effects on plant growth due to root co‐colonization by dark septate endophytes and ectomycorrhiza
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Sensitivity to AMF species is greater in late‐successional than early‐successional native or nonnative grassland plants
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Plant endophytes and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi alter plant competition
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Ten years of green manuring and biofumigation alters soil characteristics and microbiota
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Tripartite Interactions Between Endophytic Fungi, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, and Leymus chinensis
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Microbial Ecology. 2020 79(1). p.98
Effects of simultaneous infections of endophytic fungi and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the growth of their shared host grass Achnatherum sibiricum under varying N and P supply
Zhou Yong, Li Xia, Qin Junhua, Liu Hui, Chen Wei, Niu Yi, Ren Anzhi, Gao Yubao
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Balancing multiple mutualists: asymmetric interactions among plants, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and fungal endophytes
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High nitrogen supply and carbohydrate content reduce fungal endophyte and alkaloid concentration in Lolium perenne
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Evaluating the use of plant hormones and biostimulators in forage pastures to enhance shoot dry biomass production by perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenneL.)
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Susceptibility of endophyte-infected grasses to winter pathogens (snow molds)
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Interactive Effects of Epichloë Endophytes and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Saline-Alkali Stress Tolerance in Tall Fescue
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An arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus and Epichloë festucae var. lolii reduce Bipolaris sorokiniana disease incidence and improve perennial ryegrass growth
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Assessing the Importance of Native Mycorrhizal Fungi to Improve Tree Establishment after Wildfires
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Plant endophytes and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi alter the decomposition of Achnatherum sibiricum litter
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