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Functional Plant Biology Functional Plant Biology Society
Plant function and evolutionary biology

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How does ecosystem water balance affect net primary productivity of woody ecosystems?

Derek Eamus
30(2) pp.187 - 205

62 articles found in Crossref database.

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Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 2010 1(4). p.371
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Modelling Seasonal and Inter-annual Variations in Carbon and Water Fluxes in an Arid-Zone Acacia Savanna Woodland, 1981–2012
Chen Chao, Cleverly James, Zhang Lu, Yu Qiang, Eamus Derek
Ecosystems. 2016 19(4). p.625
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Biogeosciences. 2013 10(11). p.7053
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Santini Nadia S., Cleverly James, Faux Rolf, Lestrange Catherine, Rumman Rizwana, Eamus Derek
Trees. 2016 30(1). p.295
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Cleverly James, Boulain Nicolas, Villalobos‐Vega Randol, Grant Nicole, Faux Ralph, Wood Cameron, Cook Peter G., Yu Qiang, Leigh Andrea, Eamus Derek
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Evapotranspiration partitioning, stomatal conductance, and components of the water balance: A special case of a desert ecosystem in China
Zhao Wenzhi, Liu Bing, Chang Xuexiang, Yang Qiyue, Yang Yuting, Liu Zhiling, Cleverly James, Eamus Derek
Journal of Hydrology. 2016 538 p.374
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Australian Journal of Botany. 2014 62(5). p.428
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The importance of interacting climate modes on Australia’s contribution to global carbon cycle extremes
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